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Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023 (All Signs)

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Venus Rx Transit Dates: July 22, 2023 - September 3, 2023

Venus will be in retrograde in Leo, prompting a reexamination of love, relationships, and money themes.

On a personal level:

When Venus is in Leo, it's all about being genuine and valuing ourselves for who we truly are. During Venus retrograde, we might experience some uneasiness and self-doubt, especially about how we look or how others perceive us. Focus less on appearances and more on our inner beauty and self-worth. Just a heads up, emotions might be extra sensitive during this time, leading to mood swings. It's a great time to go back to creative projects or hobbies you previously shelved. Focus on things that make you feel good about yourself and have fun being creative!

During Venus retrograde in Leo, it's not the best time to make big purchases or important financial decisions because things might not be clear. Avoid impulsive choices that you might regret later. The retrograde ends on September 3rd, and there will be Labor Day Sales on September 4th, so wait for better deals. During Venus retrograde in Leo, it's important to take your time and think carefully about financial decisions to avoid any mishaps. For big remodeling projects, it's better to review and plan rather than make major changes right now. However, it's a good time to rearrange furniture or make small adjustments in your home. So, be cautious with big expenses and use this period for thoughtful consideration and smaller, enjoyable changes around your living space!


We'll be thinking a lot about what makes us happy in love and relationships. It's a chance to think about your relationships and decide if you want to make them stronger or let go of toxic ones.

For Singles:

You might reconnect with old friends or past loves. New romantic relationships could potentially experience delays or other issues, so it's important to remain patient.

For those in a relationship:

On the positive side, if you're in a relationship, Venus retrograde can bring back romance and passion, making it feel fresh and exciting once again. You have an opportunity to reignite the spark and intimacy to deepen your relationship with your partner.

On the negative side, relationships might hit some bumps because of poor communication, causing more arguments and conflicts. Old unresolved issues may pop up, needing attention and resolution for the relationship to get better. To tackle these challenges, just be honest and upfront with one another, and make an effort to comprehend one another's feelings.

Venus Rx Aspects:

  • July 27 - Mercury conjunct Venus Rx @ 28° Leo: A good day for heart-to-heart conversations. It is a good time to talk, express your emotions, and show love.

  • Aug 9 - Venus Rx in Leo square Uranus in Taurus - Expect surprises in love and/or finances. Stay open-minded and be prepared for unexpected changes.

  • Aug 13 - Sun Conjunct Venus Rx @ @ 20° Leo - Positive vibes and overall great day! Whether you're in a romantic relationship or not, it's a great day to hang out and socialize.

  • Aug 22 - Venus Rx squares Jupiter in Taurus - For love, there might be tensions or conflicts in your romantic relationships related to growth or values. To work through these challenges, it's essential to have open and honest conversations with your partner and be patient and understanding. When it comes to money matters, be cautious and avoid making impulsive purchases or big financial commitments. Take your time to think carefully before making any money-related decisions.

Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023 (All Signs)

Aries: Venus retrograde in Leo excitement and unpredictability in your love life. Be prepared for some surprises in your love life and changes in how you express yourself. You might hear from old friends or past flames again. If you're in a relationship, this period can bring a fresh spark and stronger connection with your person. Just remember to communicate openly and take your time when making important decisions, whether it's about money or romance. It's also a perfect time to let your creativity flow and do things that you enjoy.

Taurus: Venus is your ruler, it is stationing retrograde, and in your fellow fixed sign means you will feel the effects of this transit strongly. The focus will be on your home and family. You might want to make some improvements to your place or handle housing expenses, but it's better to hold off on big decisions for now. Instead, focus on smaller changes like cleaning, rearranging, and making your space more comfortable. Take care of any repairs that are needed. In terms of family relationships, there could be some tension due to past issues. This is an opportunity to resolve problems and mend strained relationships. As a Venusian sign, you might also hear from old friends or past flames during this time. Since you are a Venusian sign, old friends or past flames might reconnect with you during this time.

Gemini: Get ready for some interesting connections and reconnections during Venus retrograde in Leo, especially in your communication sector. You might hear from old acquaintances you haven't talked to in a while. You could feel a bit reserved and find it harder to hide your feelings from others. Watch out for misunderstandings and try to resolve conflicts calmly. It's okay to take things slow and give yourself some space when needed. On the bright side, it's also a good time to revisit projects you've shelved or put aside. Dust them off and give them another shot!

Cancer: Venus retrograde in Leo is all about taking care of your finances and valuing yourself. Be mindful of how you spend your money during this time. Instead of splurging, review your financial goals and figure out what truly makes you happy. Focus on building your confidence and making smart financial choices for your future. Take this opportunity to prioritize what really matters to you!

Leo: Venus retrograde in Leo in your sign can bring a change of appearance or heart. It's a good time for a makeover if you feel like it! Just remember to do it for yourself, not to impress others. You're already amazing just as you are! Take some time for self-care and avoid making impulsive spending. During Venus retrograde, you can surely get a blast from the past and reconnect with people you haven’t spoken to in a while. You can also rediscover previous interests, hobbies, and things that used to make you happy.

Virgo: During Venus retrograde in Leo, you'll find yourself in a quiet and reflective mood. It's a time for spiritual exploration and letting go of the past. You may have vivid dreams or memories resurfacing, and it's essential to release any lingering negative emotions or heavy feelings. This retrograde is all about seeking closure, acceptance, forgiveness, and finding liberation. Don't hesitate to seek support from others or go to therapy if needed. Romantically, you might encounter someone from your past, but things may have changed since then. If you're in a toxic or unhealthy relationship, it's time to consider ending it. For singles, there could be a surprise admirer in the mix.

Libra: Venus retrograde in Leo in can bring you opportunities to reconnect with old friends and associates. It is also period where you may be rethinking certain friendships. Take this chance to work through any conflicts and strengthen genuine connections. It's also a perfect time to get involved in community activities and show love to everyone. Think about how you can contribute to your community or support meaningful causes. Focus on chasing your dreams and be open to trying new things.

Scorpio: Venus retrograde in Leo in your house of career can bring some bumps in the road professionally. If you're feeling unsatisfied, take time to rethink your path and explore what work genuinely fulfills you. Avoid getting involved in drama or conflicts at work, and instead, maintain an open-minded and courteous approach. If you're unhappy with how others see you, this could be a chance to make positive adjustments.

Sagittarius: During Venus retrograde in Leo, you may face challenges in life choices and reevaluate your beliefs. It's a time to think deeply about your faith and what you truly believe in. You might feel a bit dissatisfied with your overall direction and may need to make some adjustments. Take this chance to reflect on what truly matters to you and make necessary changes. This period could also bring some disagreements or the opportunity to reconnect with old friends, teachers, mentors, or advisors from the past.

Capricorn: During Venus retrograde in Leo, the focus is on intimate and financial matters. Take time to reflect on your desires and emotional needs in relationships, especially when it comes to intimacy and sex. You might reconnect with someone from your past during this time. To deepen connections, be open and vulnerable. However, be careful of power struggles and control issues in romantic situations. For married couples or those sharing resources, be mindful of financial disagreements. Take the time to make joint financial decisions with consideration and care.

Aquarius: During Venus retrograde in Leo, your relationships and partnerships might experience some challenges. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your loved ones and address any issues that arise. Don't be discouraged by misunderstandings or someone appearing cold; be patient and understanding. The retrograde boomerang may also bring back people from your past, including ex-partners. Be prepared for surprises and take the opportunity to work on finding common ground with others.

Pisces: During Venus retrograde in Leo, you'll be focusing on your health and daily routines. Work might feel tiresome, and you could feel dissatisfied with it. Dealing with people, especially at work or in health-related situations, might be a bit frustrating. But don't worry, it's a great time to take care of yourself and make positive changes to improve your daily life. Consider adopting a healthier lifestyle with things like detoxing or meditation for your body. For your living space, try decluttering and cleaning to create a more calming atmosphere. Think about how to be more efficient and make the most out of each day. The retrograde boomerang can reconnect you to people you have previously worked with.

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