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New Moon in Virgo - August 2022

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

New Moon in Virgo – August 2022:

The New Moon is happening at 4º Virgo on August 27, 2022.

New Moons bring a fresh perspective, new awareness, and present us with an opportunity to initiate or have a beginning in our lives. It is a time to plant new seeds. This New Moon will be quite favorable to start new plans, projects, routines, and habits that promote overall wellness. Virgo energy wants to help us develop a routine for success, be of service, and take care of our overall health. 4º Virgo is a Cancer degree which relates to home, family, and our emotional security. We have an excellent opportunity to start new initiatives at home and in the kitchen. Virgo energy favors a holistic and natural approach to wellness. This energy also helps us get our environment prepared and ready! Time to clean, declutter, rearrange, and simplify. This is a time to think big and plan ahead! Time to plan, make a list, a be real with ourselves about the steps required to bring about success. The New Moon in Virgo will square off with Mars which will fill us with drive and passion. Although there is a square aspect , it is surprisingly helpful in boosting your determination to take decisive action anywhere you put your mind to!

New Moon in Virgo Forecasts – All Signs:


The New Moon in Virgo is happening in your 6th house and brings lots of communication as it will aspect your 3rd house while Mercury is also entering your 7th house! You will feel invigorated to make positive changes. Some can make dietary changes, sign up to the gym or decide to return to the one they had signed up for long ago. You can certainly find resources in your local community! You can learn of professional opportunities that will great interest you. There may also be a lot of chatter and gossip in the office which you may find out about.


The New Moon in Virgo is happening in your 5th house of romance and will activate that area. It is a time to socialize and have fun! In term of entertainment, you may find yourself splurging on a fun activity or trying something new. This transit marks a new chapter for your romantic connections. Singles have an opportunity to make new connections. In terms of attraction – the square energy to Venus can manifest as a strong attraction or strong repulsion. Mercury transits through your 6th house so you will notice the small details and trines your 9th house - stay open minded!


The New Moon in Virgo brings fresh energy and renewal to the 4th house of home and family. Settling down and finding comfort at home will be your focus. This is an excellent time to clean, declutter, and remodel your space. Lots of activity in the kitchen! You can find yourself participating in activities alongside your family members. For some, this transit can bring about a relocation or buying a home. In terms of personal development, you will be dedicating your efforts to establishing emotional and physical security. You may also be exploring themes related to ancestry, the mother land, your relationship dynamics to your mother, and maternal side of the family.


The New Moon in Virgo is happening in your 3rd house of communication. It will be an excellent time to connect with others, take trips, check our new places, and try new things. It will be a busy time so and keep your phone charged because people will be reaching out to you. A flurry of opportunities to connect and have fun with friends! Wear a seatbelt and drive safely! The 3rd house is also the house of learning, and you will find many things online and in social media that will call your attention. This is a great time to develop a new interest or hobby.


The New Moon in Virgo is happening in your 2nd house of Money!! This New Moon can bring about new opportunities in your career and new ways to earn money. If you have been thinking about boosting your income - the door is open. This New Moon especially favors online business, remote work, and monetization of social media. You are also educating yourself on financial matters. There is also a big focus on long term financial planning that yields solid and secure return on investments.


This is your New Moon Virgo!!! Happening in the first house you will feel invigorated and energized! There is something different about you and everyone is going to notice. You are making big impressions! See the first house rules yourself, your image, your appearance, how you come across, and new starts. You embody a very tenacious, go getter, and relentless energy. You will be quite passionate in how you come across and express yourself. For you, everything seems to ramp up a bit in career, financially, and romantically! Good news for your money as Mercury transits your 2nd house of Finances!


The New Moon in Virgo is happening in your 12th house so you will be taking some much needed time off to balance and recharge. It is a time find your center and reclaim your peace. You be taking a time out to review your life and any plans before making decisions. Some may even take spiritual retreat. The 12th house is the house of self undoing and this energy will bring to light changes you would like for yourself. The lunation is connecting to your 9th house, outdate beliefs will be done away with. Time to relax and meditate!


The New Moon in Virgo is happening in your 11th house of friends and networks. This lunation is helping make new connections and putting you in contact with many people. Intrapersonal relationships and the quality in your connections will be the theme of this New Moon. However, you will remain very vigilant and quite protective over your personal space. The aspects that this lunation makes to your 8th house can help boost the income that you earn from your business especially if it's online. You could also find yourself connecting to prominent individuals. The one thing I like about this transit is that the people that you are connecting to will have an 8th house energy – they match your energy and have similar interest to you! This energy also supports bringing to your awareness information you did not previously know.


The New Moon in Virgo is happening in your 10th house and is connecting with your 7th house of partnerships and contracts. This lunation marks a new chapter for you professionally. A door opens for professional opportunities, business-related plans, and new contracts! Your 11th house of network will also in a trine aspect to your 2nd house of money! Beneficial professional opportunities flourish at this time! If you want more or want new - the energy is quite supportive.


The New Moon in Virgo brings a new chapter in your journey. 9th house New Moons always bring a fresh new perspective and wisdom. The 9th house also rules long distance travel and large journeys. Some of your may be physically embarking on one. This lunation brings an expansion of your horizons related to your philosophy, beliefs, and religion. This lunation will also draw you towards learning and since it aspects your 6th house, you may be drawn to learn more about health, medicine, and sustainable wellness practices. The 9th house rules higher principles, and the 6th house is the house of service to others. A theme that may come up during this lunation are ways to give back, be charitable, or be of service to others.


The New Moon in Virgo is happening in your 8th house of transformation, intimacy, and other people's resources. Change can ruffle and excite you! This lunation will grant you access to an opportunity you may not have had before. It also opens the doors to secrets and occulted matters. Since New Moons mark new start for finances related to wills, loans, trusts, bank accounts, or insurance. It will also be fantastic time for creators, artists, and occultist! The connection with the 5th house can also energize and spice up your romantic life!


The New Moon in Virgo is happening in your 7th house of relationships, marriage, partnerships, and contracts. It is a time of unity and bonding. This lunation aspects your 4th house of home and family which can play a part in the way the transit manifests. One thing to note is the connection to the 4th house will bring in emotional security and stability into your life. This New Moon is excellent for negotiations and resolving any issues harmoniously. Beneficial partnerships and contracts can appear or commence at this time. Partnerships and relationships can elevate to a higher level.

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