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New Moon in Capricorn - Dec 23, 2022 (All Signs)

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

New Moon in Capricorn – December 2022

The New Moon is happening at 1° Capricorn on December 23rd, 2022. A total of 5 planets will be transiting the sign of Capricorn during this time. Sun and Moon will be conjunct – that is what makes it a New Moon. Venus, Mercury, and Pluto will also be in the sign of Capricorn.

The 1° degree is an Aries degree which is all about action, initiative, and a pioneering spirit. Capricorn energy is all about being ambitious, responsible, and practical. This lunation is for “go getters” and “doers”.

This New Moon is very favorable for business and professional endeavors as it favors an entrepreneurial and pioneering spirit. Since Capricorn energy is about cautious planning; it is a great time to set short / long term goals for 2023. Take some time to think about the things you want to create, work on, and dedicate yourself towards in the new year. A favorable activity during this time is the creation of a vision board.

New Moon in Capricorn Forecasts – All Signs:


The New Moon in Capricorn marks a new chapter in your career! You have 5 planets transiting through the sign of Capricorn, so you will enjoy a lot of attention, status, and recognition. You have immense potential to level up during this time! This is a powerful time in your career, and you are also drawing powerful people to you. Your career can be quite busy, and you can find yourself having lots of exchanges with people in positions of authority. This lunation can also mark a fresh start to a new job, role, or position. Professional communication will be rather busy with Mercury and Venus will harmonize your exchanges.


The New Moon in Capricorn marks a new journey and direction! A new path opens that will allow you to grow and expand. There will be a total of 5 planets transiting through the sign of Capricorn which is your 9th house of philosophy, travel, education, and expansion. There can be a new course of study or topic of interest you can delve into. Opportunities for travel, relocation, and migration can present themselves. Your mindset can also undergo a transformation. If you are seeking truth, now is the time to find it. Mentors, teachers, and wise individuals can play an important role during this transit.


The New Moon in Capricorn will open doors that have been hidden! 5 planets will transit through the sign of Capricorn, and you can greatly benefit from other people’s resources during this time. This energy can bring about sudden financial windfalls from business, partners, insurance, inheritance, or any other pay outs. Romantic connections can have big surges in sexual desires and deepen the bonds of intimacy. The best part of this lunation is the door to the occult, mysticism, life after death, and taboo opens. You can find yourself heavily interested in those topics and what you may discover can bring about a great transformation.


The New Moon in Capricorn marks a new chapter for relationships. 5 planets will transit through the sign of Capricorn and this energy greatly benefits business contracts and partnerships! Mercury brings an increase of communication and dialogue. Venus helps to harmonize your relationships and bring positive interactions. For romantic relationships or marriages, this energy can mark a new chapter or uplevel to relationships. For those partnerships that have been strained, the energy is quite beneficial for reconciliation.


The New Moon in Capricorn marks a change of routine and lifestyle improvements. For Leos, the holidays will be work and play! There will be 5 planets transiting through the sign of Capricorn, your day-to-day work routine will be busy. Mercury there will bring a lot of news, information, and communication. Venus will help you resolve work-related issues. This lunation brings you the opportunity to make beneficial changes to make things easier for yourself. Your lifestyle, diet, and exercise routine will be focal. During this time, you can take up a new regime to improve your physical health and overall wellness.


This New Moon in Capricorn is a fun one! This lunation occurs in your 5th house of fun, romance, creativity, and children. There will be lots of socialization, entertaining activities, and pleasurable things to do. Lot of plans and invitations to partake in enjoyable activities. Children can play an important role during this time and can also participate in the activities alongside you. Let your inner child out to play! The power of 5 planets in the sign of Capricorn during this lunation will boost your creativity in a massive way. This energy can help you solidify and refine your creative abilities. Romantically, it can be a busy but enjoyable time with your partner. Singles have potential to meet new people and flirt! Keep in mind, this new moon can bring about a pregnancy or birth since it is in the house of creativity/romance/children.


The New Moon in Capricorn marks a new chapter for home and family life. In terms of new beginnings, it can signify a relocation, new home, new addition, or new appliances. This energy also brings fresh energy and renewal to your living space and family dynamics. It is a great time to clean, freshen things up at home, or move furniture around. Family issues have great potential to be reconciled. Mercury helps you to openly express your feelings and Venus brings love and harmony to your relationships.


The New Moon in Capricorn brings an overload of connectivity! This lunation will keep you very busy socially with lots of communication and messages. 5 planets transit your 3rd house of communication, information, and learning. You are going to be quite busy on social media as you get a spotlight of attention. Information is readily accessible and flows directly to you. Since we are dealing with Capricorn energy, it is favorable for professional / business dealings communication and connectivity. During this period, you can find yourself busy learning and writing; knowledge will be at your fingertips. Your local neighborhood and community will be bustling.


The New Moon in Capricorn brings improvement to your finances. The energy of 5 planets transiting your house of wealth, income, and assets spotlights your financial house. It is a great time to set financial goals for the upcoming year. This lunation can bring positive developments, great financial opportunities, or an increase in earnings. Focus on your financial security and comfort during this time and avoid excess or unnecessary splurges. A great way to manifest greater wealth during this transit is by acquiring a ‘money tree’ or a ‘lucky bamboo’ plant.


Happy Capricorn Season! The New Moon in Capricorn packs the energy of 5 planets for you! This energy will help you realize the direction in which you need to go for 2023 and in your new year (birthday year). During this transit Venus and Mercury will bring harmony to your relationships and help open pathways of communication. You will be quite alluring and attractive with Venus. Mercury will keep your communication channels busy. This New Moon brings fresh energy and a fresh perspective. Acknowledge your achievements for the past year and set goals for the future. It is a great time to start on new initiatives and to keep your eyes open for new opportunities.


The New Moon in Capricorn brings rest, relaxation, healing, and deep reflection. You may find yourself reviewing the year, tracing back old memories, and tapping into the subconscious workings of your mind. It is time to purge! Any regrets, resentments, limitations, bad habits, or self-defeating behaviors need to be confronted and released. During this time, your perception can make you aware of something that you overlooked, ignored, or did not see before. This energy helps to release, quit, or let go of a person, unproductive situations, patterns, or habits in your life. There are resources available to help you.


The New Moon in Capricorn is all about friends, community, groups, and networking. This lunation brings a great flurry of social activity to your life! Mercury will enhance your ability to communicate and express yourself. Venus will bring harmony and good energy to your relationships. Conversation and exchanges will be light and lively. This is a great time to get involved with a group or cause. You can find yourself connecting with like-minded people. The 11th house where the lunation is taking place also rules over wishes and gains – both are possible during this transit.

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