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Mercury Retrograde - September 2022 (All Signs)

Its Mercury Retrograde!

Mercury has a shadow period of 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the retrograde, so you can find the energy will encompass the entire month. Mercury stars the retrograde on September 9th, 2022 in the sign of Libra. Later, it retrogrades into the sign of Virgo on Sept 23rd, 2022. Mercury will then go direct on October 2nd, 2022.

As a result of this transit, we can experience:

  • Issues with communications including breakdowns, misunderstanding, or the inability to express oneself clearly.

  • Issues with clarity of the mind and mental health. Emotional heaviness and frustration. Self-doubt, confusion, and indecision.

  • Instability in humor and temper including: unpredictable mood swings, upset, nervousness, and anxiety. Clumsiness, forgetfulness, and difficulty accomplishing tasks. Oversensitivity to criticism of others and ourselves.

  • Return of people from our past. Rekindling and repairing relationships.

  • Old issues can come up and you can also revisit past trauma.

  • Travel issues and delays.

  • Car and transportation trouble and frustrations. (Repairs, tickets, accidents)


Aries, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 7th and 6th houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 7th house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. High chances that people from the past can pop up during this time for you. When it comes to relationships, you may notice not everyone will be on the same page. Relationships and contracts may need to be renegotiated during this time. Old issues may come up in relationships, that you will need to discuss to resolve. Be mindful of your words; during this transit you may find yourself becoming explosive on certain issues or biting your tongue in others. Mercury will retrograde through your 6th house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. Your schedule may see significant changes and mix ups, so you would need to be flexible. There can be miscommunications at work and a disarray. Time to review your health habits and take some time to rejuvenate.


Taurus, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 6th and 5th houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 6th house in Libra on September 9th, 2022 will require you to be flexible when it comes to your work. Pay attention to the details and double check your work. Be wise and thoughtful when you speak. You also need to place a rather important focus on health matters that you may have neglected or overlooked. Mercury will retrograde through your 5th house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. It is a time to recapture romance and reignite the spark. Since this is the house of romance, a person from the past or someone that you have a long running history with can take center stage at this time. There may be someone trying to rekindle a relationship. Creatively, you may try a new craft or hobby. You can also be reviewing your inspirations at this time. If life had become dull and boring, it is time to reconnect with your inner child and have some fun!


Gemini, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 5th and 4th houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 5th house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. An old flame can return to rekindle a connection. Creatively, you may find yourself drawing new inspiration. You can also be drawn to finding inspiration from nature, your roots, your family, or your homeland. It is a rather fun retrograde for you because it is calling on you to have more fun! Mercury will retrograde through your 4th house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. It is time to change it up at home and with family! If you have been going through a rough patch or having issues with family, it is time to resolve conflicts. Bury the hatchet and make peace with the past. You may find yourself reminiscing quite a lot. This transit calls on you to let go of childhood wounds and family hurt.


Cancer, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 4th and 3rd houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 4th house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. Your personal living space can experience a transformation with some cleaning or redecoration. Challenges and disputes with family, especially with siblings can come up for resolution at this time. Time to let go of resentments and negative patterns that you have been holding on. Mercury will retrograde through your 3rd house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. This is the most challenging transit since Mercury rules communication and the retrograde energy can make a mess of things. Misunderstanding and miscommunication will be common. Travel and car related issues may come up during this time. It is key that during this period, you don’t say what you don’t mean or make a promise you can’t keep.


Leo, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 3rd and 2nd houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 3rd house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. Mercury rules communication and in retrograde, it will create issues of communication in the house that it rules. During this transit you may experience issues with technology and messaging. Make sure to double check all written communication before you send it. Also, make sure the emails have been sent and not remain in the drafts. Miscommunications and misunderstanding will be key issues that you experience during this time. Travel delays and car related issues will come up. Mercury will retrograde through your 2nd house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. You may find yourself needing to reallocate finances for a last-minute expense. Certain expenses you may choose to hold off on. This is a time to replenish your bank and reevaluate your spending.


Virgo, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 2nd and 1st houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 2nd house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. Time to take a step back and a second look at your money. Finances will be reevaluated during this time, and you will find yourself holding off on spending during this time. You may experience delays or issues with banking. Big expenses will be something you may choose to hold off on. You will find yourself questioning the value you obtain from the things you buy and work on. It will be a time of reallocating and reshuffling your money. Mercury will retrograde through your 1st house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. Mercury is your ruler, it is exalted in Virgo; the first house represents the self, image you project, and your head. This retrograde transit will be rather impactful because it can hamper your thinking process. There will be so much going on in your head, like a puzzle you are trying to piece together. Your mind will be overfilled with thoughts and information. Decision making is difficult during this time. During this transit, you will be revamping yourself, your image, and how you come across. You may experience great difficulty putting your thoughts into works and expressing yourself effectively. This transit favors a makeover or change in style.


Libra, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 1st and 12th houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 1st house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. You are rethinking everything during this time. Especially when it comes to yourself, your image, and your thought pattern. Mercury retrograde can make it difficult to make decisions and you may find yourself wavering back and forth a great deal this month. You may find others are not understanding you, reframe the way you express yourself. Mercury will retrograde through your 12th house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. There is much work being done behind the scenes. This transit can serve to release blockages, past regrets, and recharge. It is possible events that involve repentance, apologies, and redeeming can take place during this time. This will also be a time to evaluate your mental and spiritual health.


Scorpio, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 12th and 11th houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 12th house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. This will be a deeply spiritual transit where a lot of the events will take place behind the scenes. During this time information and messages from your guides will be a constant. Pay attention to messages that repeat. You will be releasing a lot of karmic baggage, negative patterns, and blockages during this time. Spiritual practices and therapy can be taken up again during this time. This transit also deals with themes of repentance and redeeming. The 12th house rules over hidden enemies and during this transit, those who have hurt you can repent over their actions. Rest assured the retrograde will affect your hidden enemies even when you don't see it. Mercury will retrograde through your 11th house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. During this transit you can find yourself reconnecting with old friends and catching up with those you haven’t had much contact with. You also need to watch the way you express yourself since it can cause miscommunication and misunderstandings with your friends. It will also be a time to reevaluate your aspirations and inspirations. Past goals and dreams will come up for review at this time.


Sagittarius, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 11th and 10th houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 11th house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. This transit is all about getting together with friends, especially those who you have not seen in a long time. You can also find yourself evaluating certain friendships during this transit. It is key to watch your words during this time since this energy can cause issues of misunderstandings. Some may feel that you want to have a different circle of friends and influence than the one you currently have. Your long-term goals and aspirations will come up for review at this time. Mercury will retrograde through your 10th house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. Career frustrations and misunderstanding will be the theme of this transit. This is a time to finish up your work. During this time, it is possible to change jobs or reevaluate your career path. Be mindful of the image that you project currently and your reputation. New opportunities can open if you are seeking change.


Capricorn, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 10th and 9th houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 10th house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. Professional and career frustration and issues can come up during this time. For some, changes at work can cause you to take a different approach. Others may be evaluating a change in career path at this moment. Resignations and retirements can occur during this transit. Opportunities for new jobs can come up for those seeking a change. Take care of misunderstandings and miscommunications at work. The way you are perceived, and your reputation may be something you are looking to change. Mercury will retrograde through your 9th house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. It is a time to revisit your beliefs. You may sense that you have lost grasp of what the big picture is or is “supposed to look like” for you. It is time to re-envision what you want. Some of you may be thinking of going back to school or taking a do over course. For those writers and in publishing, this is a time of revising and editing. During this transit there can be travel and relocation issues (especially long distance and migratory). Contact can also come from those you have not heard from in while including college friends and those who live in foreign lands.


Aquarius, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 9th and 8th houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 9th house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. Time to reevaluate your beliefs, faith, and the bigger picture. During this time, you can find that you feel aloof or lost in thought. Vision and purpose will the theme for this transit. It is possible during this period to retake education (restart, retrain, or redo). Writers and publishers will have their hands full with revising and editing. Travel and relocation issues (especially long distance and migratory). Old acquaintances from college and those who have relocated far away can reach out during this time. Mercury will retrograde through your 8th house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. This transit will have you taking a second look at your expenses and debts. This will be a time of repayment and reallocation of finances. Those who have shared joint resources can experience issues during this time. Secrets, intimacy, and control issues in relationships will be a theme comes up.


Aquarius, Mercury will transit in retrograde through your 8th and 7th houses in the month of September. Mercury goes retrograde through your 8th house in Libra on September 9th, 2022. This transit will bring into focus your finances and share joint resources. It is a time to balance the books and catch up on payments. Keep your eyes on the deadlines to avoid any fees. Secrets and hidden information can be revealed during this transit. Intimacy and intimate matters can come up in conversation. Issues regarding power and control dynamics will be highlighted. Mercury will retrograde through your 7th house in the sign of Virgo on September 23rd, 2022. This is the one transit that will bring up people from the past into your life. It is a time to reunite with people from the past. Professionally, this may be a time when you wish to renegotiate, refine, or resolve business contracts. This is also a time to rebalance relationships and work on issues that have been dragging down your connections.

Check out my other blog posts for the month of September 2022:

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