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Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 12/29/22 – 1/18/23 & 12/13/2023 - 12/23/2023 (All Signs)

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn Transit Dates: December 29, 2022 - January 18, 2023 & 12/13/2023 to 12/23/2023

Mercury Retrograde: Review, Reflect, Reevaluate, Rethink, Reassess, Rewrite, Redo, Relearn, Rediscover

Capricorn: Ambitious, Achiever, Productive, Serious, Hardworking, Responsible, Discipline, Reliable, Practical, Organized, Determined, Status, Respectable, Conventional, Realistic

Mercury Retrograde:

During any Mercury Retrograde we can experience issues in communication (in all forms). Misunderstandings can be common and frustrating. You may experience a mental fog, become tongue tied, or unable to come up with the right word or phrase. Regarding other people, don’t make assumptions in regards your understanding of what someone else meant to say. Try to get clarity to avoid confusion.

It is not advisable to sign contracts or agreements during this time. However, if you must – then please make sure to read all the details and the fine print. Ask questions and make further inquiries.

Unexpected contact or visitation from people in the past is possible. This includes family, friends, coworkers, colleagues, past love interests or past lovers.

Technological issues can occur, so make sure to back up all your work. Try not to be too reliant on technology and avoid buying electronics if possible.

Travel and transportation can experience hiccups. Make sure to do the maintenance on your vehicle as there can be breakdowns and repairs during this transit. If you are traveling or driving, give yourself a lot of time since complications, delays, and detours can present as a challenge.

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn:

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn will bring up a review and reassessment of our work, goals, and efforts. The retrograde effect can bring up past work for review. During this period, we may have to redo certain work or decide to take a new approach. There will be a need to prioritize based on urgency and it will require adaptability and flexibility. Short term plans will be workable, while long term goals may take a back seat during this period. You may hear from old jobs and colleagues from the past during this period.

Mercury Retrograde Aspects during both transits through Capricorn will all be favorable, harmonious, and beneficial as they consist of sextiles, trines, and conjunctions. Sextiles can assist in resolving issues and allow the flow of information. Trines bring luck and opportunities. Conjunctions magnify the power of both planets in harmonious ways.

Mercury Retrograde Aspects During First Transit (12/29/22 – 1/18/23):

JAN 2, 2023 - Mercury Rx in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces

JAN 7, 2023 - Mercury RX and Sun conjunct @ 16° Capricorn

JAN 8, 2023 - Mercury RX in Capricorn trine Uranus Rx in Taurus

JAN 13, 2023 - Mercury Rx in Capricorn trine North Node in Taurus

Mercury Retrograde Aspects During Second Transit (12/13/2023 - 12/23/2023):

Dec 17, 2023 - Mercury Rx in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus

Dec 21, 2023 - Mercury RX in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Dec 22, 2023 - Sun conjunct Mercury RX in Capricorn @ 1° Capricorn

New Moons and Mercury Rx in Capricorn:

An important pattern is attached to the Mercury Retrograde through the sign of Capricorn and the New Moon. It is important to note that the year 2023 will bring retrogrades through the Earth signs but it will retrograde twice in the sign of Capricorn.

The first transit will bring a New Moon in Capricorn followed by Mercury Retrograde. The second transit brings Mercury Retrograde and pushes all the way back to Sagittarius. Then we have the New Moon in Capricorn and afterwards Mercury transits direct through Capricorn.

During 2023, Capricorn will not have a new Moon – the new moon for Capricorn occurs Dec 2022 and January of 2024. The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs in the middle of the year on July 3rd, 2023.

New Moons mark new beginnings and new chapters. Mercury retrograde represents the energy of review, reflection, and renewal. Any house in your chart that is ruled by Capricorn or any start during those periods will be reworked and polished throughout the year. It is important to pay attention to the results of the Full Moon as it marks a mid-way point between periods. There can also be a repetition of the same pattern at the start of the year and the end of the year. The inception or initial concept and final form will see massive evolution.

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn Forecasts – All Signs:


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn brings changes in your career and in your direction. You can find yourself embarking on a journey which will change your status and how others view you. There can be a lot of reflection into your career goals and aspirations which can set the course for you to define your aspirations. In terms of professional training, this period can bring about a refresher course on topics you already know, serving to update your knowledge base. There can be organizational shifts and changes during this transit. Take care to express yourself in a professional manner and avoid misunderstandings or communication issues work. During this period, you can find yourself reconnecting with people you previously worked with and hearing from old jobs.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn is a time to reexamine. You may be reassessing your beliefs, ethics, and morals during this period. The topic of truth will be particularly important. Is truth relative? Is truth objective, not subjective? What is fundamentally true? Prepare to dive down a philosophical rabbit hole. A firmly held philosophy or belief may be called into question. During this transit you can find yourself relearning a subject, retraining, or redoing examinations. For students and scholars, there can be frustrations with schooling or majors. Writers, publishers, and public speakers may be doing a lot of proofreading, editing, and updating work. Travel and transportation, especially over long distance can have issues with delays, rerouting, or cancelations. There is also a possibility to reconnect with old classmates, teachers, or mentors.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn brings a period of review for the things you want to change and power dynamics. Time to analyze what you give your power to and decide if you will continue. This period can bring up old memories and reveal things kept secret or hidden. This transit will highlight what needs to change in your life and what needs to be eliminated. During this transit, there can be a focus on clearing debt and making changes to insurance, retirement plans, settlements, and inheritance. Topics that can draw your attention can involve mortality and what is beyond the veil. Intimacy and sex can also be brought up or recalled during this period. If you are in an intimate relationship, this transit encourages you to be more open in expressing what your needs, likes, dislikes, desires, and preferences are.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn has potential to bring changes to your relationships and partnerships. Relationships can experience a rocky period but have potential to improve. This period will highlight the issues that you are having with other people or partners. There can be misunderstandings, arguments, disappointment, or crossed boundaries. It is time to air out your grievances, express yourself, say what you need to say, and say what needs to be said. Remain open, understanding, respectful, and patient. If you are signing any contract during this period, make sure to read the fine print and gain full clarity before signing anything. This period can be quite favorable for negotiations or renegotiation of contracts. The retrograde effect can reconnect you to people from the past – family, friends, colleagues, or lovers.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn is a period to reorganize! During this time, you can find yourself reorganizing at work, reprioritizing workload, or revamping your routine. This is quite a favorable transit to streamline processes make changes which improve efficiency. Adaptability to rapid changes will be important. Your job and work environment can be quite stressful during this period. Watch out for miscommunications with colleagues, customers, vendors, or clients. Make sure to double check you work for errors. This period can also bring about a flare up with old health issues. This can serve to rethink your habits, nutrition, diets, exercise routine, or how you cope with stress. The retrograde effect can reconnect you with friends, colleagues, or work out buddies.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn brings a review and revamping of your creative talents and abilities. Typically, this transit can cause frustrations in the form of creative blockages. Yet, it presents incredible opportunities to overhaul and bring a new twist to old ideas. Bring out your inner artist! Eliminate negative self-talk and don’t compare yourself with others. Another aspect of this transit can involve children. Issues with schooling can come up and include delays, relearning, or transportation issues. Lastly, this transit can have a significant impact on your love life and dating. You may find yourself reviewing your dating history and reassessing what you desire romantically. Don’t be surprised if the Mercury Retrograde effect reconnects you with an old crush, love interest, or ex-lover.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn will impact your home and family life. There can be issues with miscommunication, arguments, or differences with people that you share your home with or family. Old issues and things that have been repressed may come out during this period. Remember they are your family now and forever. Do your best to avoid fights or arguments. This transit can also bring up old memories of your childhood. Regarding your home, there can be projects involving renovations, repairs, redecoration, or refurbishing during this period. Cleaning and decluttering are quite favorable. You may rediscover something forgotten or lost. The Mercury Retrograde effect can help you reconnect with family or old childhood friends.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn will be most impactful for you since it transits through your house of communication. During this period, you can experience communication issues and misunderstandings with other people. Make sure to proofread anything that you write and send off. Review your inbox and all other folders as mail can be lost during this time. Make sure to double check that your emails have been sent or that your work has been properly posted or published. There can be a lot of work centered around editing that needs to be reviewed or redone. Your mind will be busy and racing which can make you flustered, distracted, or cause concentration issues. If you are confused or indecisive, seek out more information. Meditation will be key during this period. Make sure to perform routine maintenance on your vehicle. Give yourself ample time if you are driving or traveling anywhere as there can be delays or redirections. Communication with siblings can be challenging; alternatively, you can find yourself reconnecting with them if you haven’t in a long time. The Mercury Retrograde effect can bring all sorts of people from the past reaching out to you via text messages, email, or social media.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn is all about reevaluating your finances and spending habits. During this period, you can find yourself taking a closer look at your financial statements, balances, spending, and expenses. Use this period to bring about transformational changes in your budget to help you replenish your finances. Curb your expenses and save money for a rainy day. This transit will bring about a reassessment of values to align you with what is important and really matters. Avoid big purchases during this transit, review carefully any warranties, keep receipts, and check the refund policies. Make sure to check deadlines for bills and verify that the payment has gone through – write down the confirmation numbers. The Mercury Retrograde effect can bring unexpected money or expenses.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn will impact yourself, image, and thought process. Mercury will retrograde through your house of self, and you will feel the impacts on your mental space and communication. Your mind may be quite busy, reflective, and indecisive. Your thoughts and moods can be quite mercurial. There can be difficulties in conveying your words clearly and you may get tongue tied. This transit is quite beneficial to making alterations and changes to your image, presentation, and style. Let people see the real and authentic you! This transit brings about self-love, self-acceptance, and self-appreciation. The Mercury Retrograde effect can reconnect you with many people during this period with minimal or no effort on your part. People seek you out.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn brings the energy of retreat. Mercury RX will create a need for downtime, privacy, and quiet from all the noise. It is time for you to take a time out to recharge your batteries. This will be a period to release all negativity and make peace with any losses or endings you have experienced in your life. It is time to move on and let go of pain, sadness, and regrets. Solitude, reflection, and meditation will play an important part. You can find yourself sleeping or napping more often. Dreams can be vivid and revelatory. Old situation or people can also play out in your dream. The Mercury Retrograde effect brings up a person or issue that involves forgiveness or repentance. It can be you who apologizes or someone else to you. Yet that is not important, the release is what is important. Reconnect with yourself, your guides, and the higher power you believe in. The Mercury Retrograde effect can reconnect with people from a spiritual community or foreign lands.


Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn reconnects you with friends and changes your perspective on your dreams and aspirations. It is possible to reconnect with people that you have lost touch with or haven’t seen in a while. Others may be reevaluating certain friendships. Time to analyze who your friends are and why you want to remain connected. Make sure to check your messages, inbox, and social media as it is possible for you not to notice a message has been sent to you. There can be issues with miscommunication and misunderstandings during this period. This time will also assist you to reevaluate your goals and dreams for the future. This transit is favorable for research as you can come across information not previously available. The Mercury Retrograde effect can bring many people back up from the past, especially those who faded out or ghosted.

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