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Mercury in Virgo 2023 (All Signs)

Mercury in Virgo Full Transit Dates: July 28, 2023 - October 4, 2023

Mercury in Virgo Rx Dates: August 23, 2023 - September 15, 2023

Mercury, the planet that controls how we talk, think, and solve problems, coming back home to its favorite place, Virgo. It's also in the sign of exaltation! Virgo is a sign known for being organized and practical, so when Mercury visits Virgo, our minds become sharp and focused. During this time, we naturally want to be more organized and clearer in our thinking. We feel alert and ready to handle any challenges that come our way. Our minds excel at finding solutions to problems. For those that have been feeling a bit scattered or forgetful lately, Mercury in Virgo will help you get things back in order.

The transit of Mercury in Virgo lasts from July 28 to October 4. From August 23 to September 15 goes retrograde. During this time, we might feel like looking back at our past thoughts and decisions to see if we can make them even better. It's like a chance for self-reflection, not something to worry about. We get to think about things we've done before and see if we can make them even better. So, when Mercury goes home to Virgo, it's like our brains get a boost, and we become super-efficient. And during the retrograde, we get a chance to review and improve our ideas.

By the end of August, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury, and Uranus will all be retrograde. A grand total of 6 planets! This transit will be felt most by the mutable signs but Virgo and Pisces the most! It's a chance to look back, reorganize, and make improvements. Just take things slowly, stay patient, and don't worry too much.

Classic Mercury Rx Effects:

  • You can experience a lot of indecision and overthinking.

  • Communication can get a bit messed up, with misunderstandings and delays in messages.

  • Electronic devices might act wonky, causing tech issues.

  • Travel plans might face unexpected delays, so be ready for changes.

  • Watchfulness is recommended with legal matters, review documents carefully, and avoid signing big agreements if possible.

  • It's a good time to revisit the past, reflect, and resolve old issues.

  • Progress on projects might slow down, but it's a chance to reevaluate and make improvements.

  • Lastly but certainly not least- the Retrograde boomerang - a blast from the past!

Mercury in Virgo (All Signs)

Aries: When Mercury transits direct through Virgo, you can experience positive changes in your daily routines. You'll feel more organized and in control of your tasks and projects. Work-related conversations will go smoothly, making it easier to discuss your work matters with others. During the retrograde period, some old work opportunities or former colleagues might show up again. Take this as an opportunity to think about whether these old opportunities could still be good for you. Reflect on them and consider if they fit into your future career plans. This is also a chance to explore new pathways and make the best decisions for your career growth. Trust your instincts and choose what feels right for you. Don't rush, take your time to think it over.

Taurus: It's going to be an interesting transit for you! Venus the planet of love/enjoyment and your ruler is retrograde. Mercury the planet of communication is transiting your house of romance/fun and will be retrograding. When Mercury is direct, it can do wonders for your creativity and communication skills. You'll feel more expressive and confident in sharing your feelings. But here's the twist - with both Venus and Mercury retrograding, the focus on matters of love will be intense. Memories of past relationships might come flooding back, and you'll find yourself seriously considering what you truly want in love. You might feel like your playful and creative side is being held back, but don't worry! The retrograde energy can actually inspire you to explore something fun and creative. It's like a perfect time to revisit or revive creative projects you left behind. Trust yourself, and you'll find the path to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Gemini: When Mercury transits direct through Virgo, it can increase and improve communications at home and with family. You'll find it easier to talk with them, and things will feel more organized at home. It's like a time to bring everyone together and make your living space more comfortable. During the retrograde period, you might have to deal with some family issues that need attention. Take this time to talk openly and honestly with your family members about any misunderstandings or unresolved matters.

Cancer: When Mercury transits direct through Virgo, you'll find it easier to communicate with others and conversations will flow more smoothly. It is a good time to write, learn, and put your work out there! During the retrograde period, you may have to deal with some misunderstandings. It's a time to revisit past conversations and think about what was said and how it was said. Don't worry too much, though! It's just a chance to make sure everything is crystal clear. Take it as an opportunity to see if there are any areas you can fine-tune and ensure that you're on the same page with those around you.

Leo: When Mercury transits direct through Virgo, it'll be easier for you to talk about money matters and make financial decisions. You'll feel more confident and in control when handling your finances. During the retrograde period, it might be time to take a closer look at your budget. You might need to review your expenses and think about past financial situations. It's like a chance to reflect on how you've been managing your money and see if there are any areas for improvement. Trust in your ability to handle your finances wisely.

Virgo: Your ruler is home and exalted! Your thought process will be clearer, focused, and coherent. You'll find it easier to communicate with others and share your thoughts and ideas. Your words will flow smoothly, and you can get your message across effectively. During the retrograde, you might feel drawn to think about your personal goals and what you want to achieve in life. It's an opportunity to take a step back, review your aspirations, and think about the path you are on. This isn't about doubting yourself, but rather about making sure you're heading in the direction that aligns with your goals.

Libra: When Mercury transits direct through Virgo, you'll be doing some deep thinking. It's like a time of self-reflection, just like the Hermit's energy. You might feel like taking a step back from social gatherings and spending more time alone with your thoughts. During the retrograde, it will intensify the introspection. You might release fears, burdens, or resentments, making space for a fresh start. As you let go, you'll feel a sense of relief, like your subconscious finally had a chance to take a break from all the ups and downs of the past year.

Scorpio: When Mercury transits direct through Virgo, communication will be seamless. It will be easier for you to interact with friends and groups, and you'll feel closer to everyone. During the retrograde period, you might feel a nostalgic pull to revisit past friendships and reconnect with old friends. It's like a chance to take a trip down memory lane. Just a heads up, during the retrograde, technology might act up a bit. It's like the universe is playing some pranks, and you may encounter some glitches in your tech gadgets or devices. Don't worry too much; it's just a passing phase, and it won't last forever.

Sagittarius: When Mercury transits direct through Virgo, it helps you communicate better in work-related interactions. Conversations can be more productive. During the retrograde period, you need to take care to avoid miscommunications at work. It can also be a period where you may be thinking about your career or job offers. It's like a chance to reflect on opportunities and see if there's anything you might want to reconsider. Review your career path and examine your options.

Capricorn: When Mercury transits direct through Virgo, you can gain so much wisdom and excel in your academic or learning endeavors. Your communication skills become sharper and more articulate. You'll feel more eager to expand your knowledge and broaden your horizons. During the retrograde period, you might find yourself reflecting on past educational experiences or travels. It's like a chance to take a trip down memory lane and see if there are any learning opportunities or adventures you want to revisit. You might yearn to travel to far-off places or get back in touch with mental-enriching experiences from the past.

Aquarius: When Mercury transits direct through Virgo, you'll find it easier to connect with others on a deeper level. You'll have easier flowing talks and feel closer to the people you care about. During the retrograde period, you may feel compelled to rethink your financial arrangements or think about expenses. It's a chance to examine more closely how you manage your funds or joint shared resources with others. Consider any financial decisions carefully, and make sure everything is in order.

Pisces: When Mercury moves directly through Virgo, it’s all about the one-on-one interactions – get ready for a bunch of them! You'll feel more open and connected with others. You'll have seamless conversations and have no trouble expressing yourself to others. During the retrograde period, you might feel compelled to think back on previous relationships and how you interact with others. It's like a chance to take a trip down memory lane and see how your past interactions have shaped your relationships.

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