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Mercurial 8 & Astrology

Updated: May 30, 2022

Are birth charts really important? Or do you move towards your purpose regardless of knowing your exact time of birth?

I have always been interested in astrology and I placed great importance on understanding my birth chart since it is considered to be a blue print for the native's life. I have read many reports, books, and articles on what each placement and aspect meant in my chart. Lucky are the people that know their exact time of birth but what if the time you was given was incorrect? My mother always told me I was born at 2:30 pm and it was not until I was well into my 30's when she discovered my original paper work that stated I was actually born at 12:12 pm.

I learned a lot about astrology but the error in the time of birth was quite big and it changed the placement of my rising sign and all my houses. I still have a mutable grand cross and come to find out - I have even more challenging aspects. Mercury was the only planet that remained in the 10th house. The rest of the planets moved 1 house down but the biggest change was my North Node. The North Node is your destiny to fulfill this life.

Did I notice things were off? Well, I did invest quite a lot looking into my birth chart and certain things did apply but others were not quite spot on. The date remained the same but the rising affected the houses in which the planets were placed. In essence, the planets remained in the same sign but the change in the house affected the area of life in which the energy would manifest.

Mercurial 8 - The name

I chose the name Mercurial 8 because I am a Gemini Sun and my ruling planet is Mercury. I chose the 8 because my life path was 8. My guides helped me select the name and it just fit with who I was - the perfect fit.

With the corrected time I learned that I was not Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, and Libra Rising but was actually - Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, and Virgo Rising. Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury. Not only am I a life path 8 but my North Node was actually in the 8th house. Completely Mercurial and definitely an 8!!!! (Insert synchronicity to top it all - the repeating numbers I see frequently are: 1010, 1234, and 1212)

Reflecting on the importance of the birth chart I noticed that I was moving towards my purpose even when I had the wrong information. I moved towards my purpose not only by intuition, spiritual guidance, but by INSTICT.

Does your birth chart really matter?!?!

If you don't know your exact time of birth - you will still move towards your purpose in this life. If you know your exact time of birth but can't understand your chart - you will still move towards your purpose in this life. What is your purpose? Your purpose is what you are guided to do - what you instinctually are drawn to accomplish. Your purpose is not limited to one great accomplishment. When you feel an internal pull, just follow it because it is tied in to something that you need to accomplish. Now knowing when I was born, my chart no longer holds the same importance for me as it did before. In the end, it all fits!

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