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Mars in Libra 2023 (All Signs)

Mars in Libra Transit Dates: August 27, 2023 - October 12, 2023

Between August 27 and October 12, 2023, Mars transits through Libra, creating a unique blend. Mars is the planet of action and drive. Libra's focus on harmony and relationships. During this time, how we interact with others becomes a central focus. Resolving conflicts in a friendly manner gains priority. A bigger emphasis on talking things out over arguing - communication rather than confrontation. Decision-making becomes more deliberate as we consider options that make everyone happy. The core lesson is about finding equilibrium. The main takeaway is to maintain peaceful relationships. It is easier said than done! Mars in Libra will prove to be a challenging transit because of the aspects it is making opposition to North Node in Aries, squaring Pluto Rx in Capricorn, and trine to Saturn retrograde in Pisces.

  • Mars in Libra Opposition North Node in Aries: Tug-of-war! Striking a balance between your individual needs and your path ahead. Navigating this balancing act might require careful and considerate moves.

  • Mars in Libra Square Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn: Intense scenarios, tension with authorities, and power struggles. (The Pluto Return degree for the USA is 27 degrees Capricorn and we had the return on 2/22/2022. Now we are returning to the same return degree in retrograde. Keep an eye on news and authority figures, financial markets, established power structures, people in control, etc. Any discussion or conflict can intensify.)

  • Mars in Libra Trine Saturn Retrograde in Pisces: Supportive / Disciplined! It's a good time to apply strategic action to achieve your goals. Your efforts might be rewarded with stability and lasting results.

Mars in Libra 2023 (All Signs):

Aries: Right now, Mars in Libra is making you focus on your relationships. You want things to be balanced and peaceful with others, so take your time when making decisions together.

Taurus: Mars in Libra is pushing you to be more active at work and take care of your health. Remember, working together with your colleagues is important to avoid problems.

Gemini: Your creative and romantic side is shining due to Mars in Libra. Express yourself freely, but be gentle in how you approach things. Let your creativity flow naturally.

Cancer: With Mars in Libra, you're putting energy into your home and family life. Try to make things cozy and comfortable, while also speaking up for what you need.

Leo: Mars in Libra is boosting your communication skills. Just be careful not to accidentally start arguments. Speak clearly and kindly.

Virgo: Mars in Libra is making you think about money. This can be a good period to improve your finances. Working together with others will help.

Libra: Your energy rises with Mars in Libra. Chase your personal goals but remember to think about others too.

Scorpio: It's a time for quiet thinking with Mars in Libra. Deal with hidden problems calmly, without rushing.

Sagittarius: Mars in Libra is making you social. Balance your own goals with working well with others.

Capricorn: Focus on your job with Mars in Libra. Success comes from being ambitious but also getting along with people.

Aquarius: Mars in Libra is pushing you to try new things and learn. Stay open-minded to avoid arguments about different beliefs.

Pisces: Mars in Libra is about sharing and getting closer to others. Find a balance between what you need and what others need in partnerships.

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