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Full Moon in Pisces - September 2022

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

Full Moon in Pisces – September 2022:

The Full Moon is on September 10, 2022 @ 17° Pisces. This Full Moon in Pisces is making quite a few aspects: squaring Mars in Gemini, sextile Uranus in Taurus, and conjunct Neptune in a 6° orb. We can feel emotionally and spiritually agitated if we are out of alignment. Everything we hold deep has the potential to flood out all at once in a tidal wave. At the same time, creativity is unleashed and the “can do” attitude of Mars can make anything that you believe possible!

The conjunction to Neptune happens within 6 degrees and it is unleashing the floodgates of our emotions, imagination, and our psyche. Psychic abilities will be enhanced greatly. High sensitivity in your intuitive and psychic capabilities. Increased in vivid and revelatory dreams during this transit. For all those who astral travel or are trying to – this is it!

Pisces rules the natural 12th house of spirituality and liberation. This is a lunation that wants us to free ourselves from restrictions, oppression, or unhealthy patterns. The sextile to Uranus can bring radical change and an intense need to liberate yourself emotionally. The square to Mars will make it passionately charged. The intensity can manifest anywhere from tenacious ambition to angry outbursts.

Full Moon Forecasts – All Signs:


The Full Moon in Pisces is helping you to shed past baggage, heal old wounds, and reconnect with deep aspects of your spirit and psyche. It will be a time to relax and turn inwardly. Now is an excellent time for you to restart past rituals or practices that you have abandoned or put off. Your sleep and dreams could be vivid, revelatory, or disruptive. During this time, it is key for you to avoid confrontations with others and also make sure to keep your business to yourself. If you have been working in silence or behind the scenes, it can very well come to fruition during this time. Secrets, private matter, or things you did not notice will come to the light during this time.


The Full Moon in Pisces is highlighting friendships and networks for you. It is a time to reflect on those whom you surround yourself with. On one side, you may be rethinking certain friendships and may choose to take some distance. On the other side, you will seek to make meaningful connections and bond with people who you feel align more with the person you currently are. Some friendships you have outgrown, and others will deepen during this time. Be attentive when it comes to your friends because there is great emotional volatility and don’t be surprised if there is someone who needs your support while traversing a crisis during this time.


The Full Moon in Pisces spotlights your work, career, and your reputation. All eyes are on you and your work. Use all the attention that you are receiving to propel yourself to the next level – especially if you are in media, communication, or artistic field. If you have been working on big projects, they are sure to garner a lot of buzz. If you have been dedicated, you will be receiving due recognition for your efforts. For others, this is a time of big transition in your career and can bring a culmination. During this time, you are very likely to ponder on your career path, trajectory, and direction.


The Full Moon in Pisces is all about the bigger picture! This lunation is going to shed light on great personal truths and the direction you are going in life. Your personal beliefs and your faith will be tested. Special attention will be given on where you have been directing your efforts and how fulfilling it has been for you so far. Your perspective and outlook on life can experience a radical shift towards freedom and liberation. At this time, you could feel great urges to be somewhere else and do something different. There will be a great big desire for adventure and change. This lunation marks the culmination of a great lesson or course of study. It can also bring legal issues to conclusion and resolution.


The Full Moon in Pisces is about wrapping up large expenses, debts, or loans. During this time, you could find yourself clearing old debt and making repayments. Mortgages and loan application processes can be completed at this moment. Unexpected expenses related to your partner can come up during this time. On a spiritual level, the Full Moon will illuminate secrets and information that may have been kept from you. The light will shine on a dark aspect. This lunation is also quite transformation in the way you give and receive. Themes of control and power dynamics can come up during this time. Also, this lunation for you touches on subject matter related to inheritance, antiques and family heirlooms. You have the potential of making great finds to repurpose or restore. You could also find yourself clearing out and selling off old items.


The Full Moon in Pisces will place the focus on legal and contractual matters. You can find yourself handling legal and official responsibilities. Relationships are all about balance, compromise, and negotiation. This Full Moon will square off with your house of career, so there may be challenges in business partnerships and contracts at this time. An opposition is formed also between your financial houses. This lunation is helping you to recognize that you need to address certain issues professionally and change the way you do business in the long run. Strike deals that are mutually beneficial and fiscally rewarding. Professional assistance can be found at this time for legal matters.


The Full Moon in Pisces will bring awareness to routine and health related changes you need to make. Your physical, emotional, and psychological wellness is going to be the key theme to address. Certain issues that you ignored or just didn’t notice will come to the forefront of your attention (work, health, pets). Lifestyle changes to improve your productivity and overall health will need to be made. There will be much activity in your day-to-day life. This lunation is also quite positive for wrapping up work and projects that you have been dealing with. The energy can also bring to light professional opportunities you should take advantage of. The square energy to your 9th house can bring challenges to travel. For those in publishing, take special care of copyright.


The Full Moon in Pisces will be highly emotionally charged for you romantically. All your feelings will be coming out. It brings to your awareness your wants and needs romantically. If you are in relationship, there is the overwhelming need to pour out all your feelings at this time. The square energy of this lunation can bring challenges to power and control dynamics in your relationships. This energy can be explosive and has the potential to bring unstable relationships to a culmination. The energy is akin to the cup that has overflowed. If you are single, your scorpion armor falls off exposing your most sensitive side. It will be a time of great vulnerability when your emotions will drive your actions.


The Full Moon in Pisces will be about your emotional security, and it will make you quite expressive of your sentiments. The energy of the lunation is squaring off with your house of partnership and marriage. You are highly likely to pour out your emotions to your family. If you are having relationships issues, your family will be made aware of your feelings and counsel you in the matter. If your family has been taking up your time and you have neglected your relationship, it will be a time when all those issues are expressed. For those of your who are dealing with home or housing related issues, this is a time when you can well up with emotion. Whatever needs to be expressed must come out in order for you to make a breakthrough.


The Full Moon in Pisces will bring you task after task that needs your attention. You may find that everyone is calling you with some tasks or some issues that they need your assistance to resolve or guidance advice. Typically, the tasks that find their way to you have short deadlines or will need to be done right away. Finding time of peace and quiet can be difficult at this time unless you set boundaries. You may also be rushing to get things done just so that you can be free to have some quality time. So prepare yourself, to be highly sought after since you will be recognized as the one person trusted to help get things done.


The Full Moon in Pisces is proving to be quite expensive for you. Compulsive and emotional driven purchases are part of this lunation. The energy will be squaring off with your house of fun, children, creativity, and romance – that is where your money is most likely to flow. Expenses related to fund and entertainment will be topping the list, you may find you can’t step out your house without spending exorbitant amounts. Purchases for arts, crafts, and hobbies you enjoy will be high. You will find yourself buying because it makes you feel better or your just like it so much, you can’t pass it up. Children related expenses will be high – both for sustenance and for fun. Some of you will find yourself spending a pretty penny on your dates. All this adds up and will bring to your awareness changes that you need to make when it comes to your disposable income and expenses. If finances are troubled, the culprit will be impulse driven spending.


The Full Moon in Pisces for you will be quite illuminating. The overwhelming emotions will provide you with heightened intuitive abilities. This lunation will shed light on your life path, direction, and the steps required to bring about a full transformation in your life. The way is shown to you and deep realizations will be made during this time. It is time for you to put yourself first and be assertive. You will be making big moves and not care about other’s approval during this time. However, you more than anyone will need to watch out for emotional outbursts during this transit. Time to purge yourself of the negativity and embrace a new path forward.

Check out my other blog posts for the month of September 2022:

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