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August 2022 Monthly Forecast

Monthly Forecast for August 2022 – All Signs:


The month of August 2022 you enjoy trine energy between your 2nd (Finances), 6th (Work), and 10th (Career) houses. Trines are harmonious and supportive to all your efforts. Positive developments in career, good results, and great for meeting your goals. The same cannot be said for the people around you. August does bring a certain tension in your associations. You may notice you don’t share the same values with others. Some may show a lack of appreciation or enthusiasm for your friendship or the success you enjoy. Jupiter retrograde will bring a lot of internal growth, soul searching, and personal development. Chiron’s transit will help you set healthy boundaries and heal past issues. Expect heightened emotions and sensitivity romantically.


The month of August 2022 creates challenging aspects in 2 major areas of life: career and family/home. These areas will have separate issues but can interfere with each other. Repressed emotions will need to find a healthy outlet. Your 12th house has the presence of Jupiter in retrograde and Chiron which trigger the need for emotional healing. A theme for August is healing of the wounds in the psyche (12th house energy). It is a time for healing traumas, pain, resentments, abandonment issues, and old wounds. The beneficial aspect of this transits here is that the 12th house is the house of liberation. You will be processing and releasing a lot of things you were holding on to in a very discreet and rather private way; not many will know your struggles. This transit is rather positive for therapy, counseling, and release. On an upside, you have beautiful sextile aspects that help you network and connect. A growth in your network and harmonious energy in your friendships. Sextile aspect between your 1st house and 3rd house can bring some good news, positive announcements, or beneficial information. Close and intimate friendships will be key and significant for you this month. Your 5th house of fun and romance has a New Moon that brings something to look forward to.


The month of August 2022 brings a very supportive energy to ending karmic patterns or connections. Way of thinking or being that are no longer in alignment or keeping you from your purpose will be shed. You are very immersed into learning and information. Your online usage and time on the phone browsing can be astronomically high. You are exploring yourself and topics of interest with great depth. Your social life is quite active but will require more time to recharge your social battery. You are embracing your authenticity and you will be drawn to individuals which are genuine. Exchange of ideas with others can bring realizations and breakthroughs. Family relations are quite important this month and you can find a lot of good favor in a materially tangible way. You also have very positive energy for liquid gains to bolster your security or gifts. You will have to watch out for miscommunications or misunderstandings. Also, beware of unguarded conversations as “loose lips sink ships”.


The month of August 2022 will put you in touch with the right people and bring a flux of energy to networks. Connectivity is at a high! Your relationships are experiencing a lot of excitable energy which is bringing many new changes. A very beneficial time to make new connections and to have positive encounters. People in your life and those who may enter will help to broaden your horizon in a big way. Endeavors attached to foreign lands are very much supported this month. Good news and opportunities open especially on matters where you may need help, favor, or assistance – people are there to help you! Financial, material, and professional prosperity is very much interlinked to hard work, discipline, and good judgement.


The month of August 2022 is your season and the Sun transiting through Leo puts the spotlight on you. You will be feeling very feisty, brave, and bold. This month you will be infused with radiance. Fully regal and very confident. When Venus enters Leo, you will be very striking in terms of appearance. You make a very big impression this month on everyone you meet. There will be shake up or changes in your career which may be out of your control. Professional partnerships will deal with challenges, but you are very much equipped to handle them. The transit of Mercury which will bring news and opportunities both professionally and personally. This month is rather fun in an adventurous sort of way. You could also be in for some very nice luxury gifts or experiences. There is one thing that stands out, this month shows you are being of service or giving back to others. You are being helpful to those in need.


The month of August 2022 is one of major philosophical breakthroughs and this month you are quite gifted. You are being drawn by foreign lands and greatly by foreign concepts. Travel, migration, pilgrimages, and higher-level studies are heavily supported during this time. Exploration of topic involving religion, astrology, spirituality, and the occult is also a key interest. A lot of your work is being done in solitude or behind the scenes. This month you have a great depth of perception that is expanding your horizons in a transformational way. A shake up to the status quo and previously held beliefs continue. You will be bonding quite well with other people and will have very pleasant energy. Romantic relationships enjoy a sweet period. Your season is poised to begin, and you will have a big spotlight on you during Virgo season. Professional endeavors will ramp up during Virgo season.


The month of August 2022 will be very busy for you! Relationships, contracts, and negotiations will be rather important this month. Communication and information sharing will be key and very active for you. One thing that will be prominent throughout the month is sudden of unexpected changes. Transformation in joint or shared finances is a prominent theme. You will be tackling big responsibilities this month. Romantically, this period can bring tension if you are not able to balance your public and private life.


The month of August 2022 will fuel you with strong urges to continue to grow and advance. You are quite driven to overcome obstacles that stand in the way of your career and overall aspirations. You are pushing forward relentlessly and with resolve. Square aspects create challenges in relationships both professional and personally. However, you are driven to find solutions to issues that have been plaguing connections for a while. You will be especially focused on successfully overcome challenges that stifle you or oppress you. In matters of home and family, the challenges will remain consistent and may not be so easy to handle. You will need to show tact and patience. You will be connecting well with friends and running your thoughts, ideas, and plans for perspective. You could also make fantastic finds online if you are looking for something in particular. There is a correlation between your routine and the impact it has on your attitude and efficacy. Keeping and maintaining a healthy routine will keep popping up in your mind often.


The month of August 2022 brings opportunities and hard work. The way you schedule your routine to handle your responsibilities will be key. You can find exciting prospects to earn more but require increased efforts on your end. Changes in your work environment could be challenging. Your mindset is very optimist, so you embrace the challenges knowing it is for the best. Your family will be of great importance this month. They will be a source of much love and security. You could also find yourself dealing with issues regarding legacy or inheritance. Your family provides great support and stand ready to help you all throughout the month. The end of the month is exceptionally favorable for business prospects and relationships. If you have remained persistent in August, the end of the month brings very good results and a lot of fun to be had as well!


The month of August 2022 will spotlight your romantic life and issues related to children. Romantically, if you are single there can be sudden changes that radical alter your love life. Singles can be drawn to another person and the connection could become intensely passionate. If you are already in a relationship, you will be experiencing great emotional intensity and equal challenge energy to match. Topics related to values, finances, and intimacy will be the make-or-break factor in connections. For those relations that will experience challenges, if it is meant to be the connection will survive the challenge. If the connection is not meant to be, it will crumble. This month also has heightened energy for pregnancy. In relation to children, there may be unexpected developments and information that might have been withheld or obscured which will come to the forefront. You may be called to offer assistance or advice with a delicate situation.


The month of August 2022 is centered greatly around the home and family. Relationships to your female family members will enjoy greater ease this month. You collaborate or work more tightly with the women in your family. You are being of service and collaborating quite closely with family. When it comes to your home, you are making changes to make it more cozy, clean, and a nest you could enjoy tranquility in. There may also be some additions of unique pieces in your space. Others can be relocating to a better place or with someone. Invitations can come in quite spontaneously and can brings great fun! Your nest is comfy but take advantage of the weather and go out!


The month of August 2022 brings your lots of trips and communication! You will have great opportunities to have fun and have new experiences. You are in constant movement with friends, family, and romantically. In love, romantic connections can flourish so long as you do not repeat karmic patterns or self-sabotage. There will be an increase in communication and information sharing with everyone in your network. You can experience good and harmonious connection to women in your work environment. You can also find yourself exchanging favors or being of service to women. Venusian energy can be quite helpful to at guiding you to find solutions in order to clear of karmic patterns or financial debt.

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