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Astrology Transits- September 2023

Theme of the month: Hold on, let's rethink this!

As summer fades and autumn approaches, a powerful retrograde energy takes hold in September. The ongoing retrograde motion of Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, and Venus sets the tone for the month, continuing the introspective and reflective atmosphere we've been feeling throughout the summer.

  • Pluto Retrograde: Time to review and change important aspects of life.

  • Neptune Retrograde: Take a closer look at dreams and spiritual matters to gain clarity.

  • Saturn Retrograde: Reflect on responsibilities, limitations, and long-term goals.

  • Uranus Retrograde: Guided to find a sense of freedom within yourself. Thinking about new ideas and ways to innovate – making personal breakthroughs.

  • Mercury Retrograde: Rethink, Review, Reflect, Reconnect, Revise.

  • Venus Retrograde: Reconsidering love, romance, and relationships.

While there has been much discussion about 7 retrograding planets, we will only be having 6 retrogrades simultaneous – which is more than enough. The North Node always transits in retrograde, and Chiron is retrograde, but it is an asteroid. Venus will station direct helping to improve relationships and romantic matters, but Jupiter will station retrograde soon afterwards – they won't be retrograde at the same time.

  • Jupiter Retrograde: Take a closer look at your growth plans and opportunities from the past, learn from them, and find ways to become wiser and continue growing.

Mercury will station direct in the middle month reducing the total number of retrograding planets to 5. Although Venus and Mercury post shadow period will still be strongly felt. In terms of aspects, it is a mix bag of favorable aspects and challenging one.

Taurus and Pisces will have 2 retrograding planets in their signs - those with their Sun, Rising, or heavy placements in those signs will feel strong effects. The New Moon in Virgo has an opposition to Neptune Retrograde but forms a kite aspect with Jupiter Rx + Uranus Rx in Taurus and Pluto Rx in Capricorn. Although it is a New Moon, the retrograde aspects give the energy of restart; mutable placements will feel it strongly. The Full Moon in Aries will be in opposition to the Sun in Libra - cardinal placements feel more challenged by its energy.

Astrological Transits for September 2023:

  • Sept 3 – Venus station direct in Leo: Smoothing out the energy in love! Good time to work on improving connections with others.

  • Sept 4 – Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus: Take a step back and reconsider plans for growth and the strategies you are using to achieve them.

  • Sept 4 – Mercury Rx in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus: Inspiring new ways of thinking and brings exciting and creative ideas to the forefront.

  • Sept 6 – Sun in Virgo conjunct Mercury Rx in Virgo: Encourages deep and meaningful discussions, as well as self-reflection and introspection.

  • Sept 8 – Sun in Virgo trine Jupiter Rx in Taurus: You'll feel a push towards practical growth and a brighter perspective on your endeavors.

  • Sept 13 – Pallas enters Libra: Promoting balanced thinking and decision-making.

  • Sept 13 – Vesta enters Cancer: Highlighting the importance of nurturing our homes and loved ones.

  • Sept 14 – New Moon at 21° Virgo: Excellent time to initiate new routines for your well-being and set up plans to get more organized in various areas of your life.

  • Sept 15 – Sun in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus: Your creative juices flow freely, leading to fresh and unexpected insight. Expect some exciting changes.

  • Sept 15 – Mercury stations direct in Virgo: Easing communication hurdles and supporting clearer planning.

  • Sept 15 – Ceres enters Scorpio: Dig deep into your feelings and make transformative changes on a personal level.

  • Sept 17 – Venus in Leo square Jupiter Rx in Taurus: Prompts you to find harmony between matters of the heart and make wise choices in your relationships.

  • Sept 19 – Sun in Virgo opposition Neptune Rx in Pisces: You'll experience a blend of clearer understanding and occasional confusion, leading to shifts in your perceptions.

  • Sept 21 - Sun in Virgo trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Brings energy for big changes that make you feel stronger and more in control.

  • Sept 23 – Sun enters Libra: As the Sun enters Libra, it marks the arrival of the autumn equinox and puts a spotlight on the importance of partnerships and relationships in our lives.

  • Sept 25 – Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter Rx in Taurus: Your thoughts become clearer, and your understanding broadens, giving you a chance to explore new horizons.

  • Sept 29 – Venus in Leo square Uranus Rx in Taurus: Unexpected twists in matters of the heart.

  • Sept 29 – Full Moon at 6° Aries: Emphasizes the importance of independence, autonomy, self-sufficiency, and having your own space.

  • Sept 30 – Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus: Fresh and exciting ideas come from innovative thinking.

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