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Astrology Transits October 2023

As October rolls in, nature is changing its outfit. The leaves are changing colors and so is our reality! Mercury's entry into Libra on October 4th sets the stage for diplomacy. It's a good time for constructive conversations and to bridge gaps. Then, on October 8, Venus enters Virgo, and love becomes all about practical acts of service. It's like a language of love that says, "I show my love through action." On the 10th, Pluto goes direct in Capricorn. Ready or not - change and transformation is in full swing. When Mars enters into Scorpio on the 11th, it's as if you're given a double shot of intensity and determination.

October 13 falls on a Friday, and right after, a Solar Eclipse in Libra. It's the first eclipse on the Aries/Libra Axis, and it's all about new beginnings, especially in relationships and partnerships. Contracts might be signed, and bonds could be formed. Fast forward to October 21, Mercury enters Scorpio, prompting you to probe deeper. Just be wary of jealousy in relationships. The 23rd marks the Sun's entry into Scorpio, bringing Halloween vibes in full swing. Finally, on the 28th, the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is the grand finale, wrapping up the eclipse season.

This month, keep an eye on these 3 areas of your chart: Libra (Solar Eclipse), Taurus (Lunar Eclipse), and Scorpio (Stellium – Sun, Mercury, and Mars).

Astrological Aspects for October 2023:

  • Oct 2 – Mercury in Virgo opposition Neptune Rx in Pisces: At the beginning of the month, Mercury and Neptune come together, creating a dreamy atmosphere. It's a bit like having your head in the clouds and finding it tricky to distinguish between what's real and what's a daydream. Let your creativity flow, but be mindful of potential miscommunications.

  • Oct 2 – Venus in Leo trine North Node in Aries: A great time to be creative! It is also a very good day for harmony, love, and romance! Connect with people who light up your path toward personal growth.

  • Oct 3 – Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Mercury and Pluto align in a way that's like having a captivating, in-depth conversation. It's as if a bright light suddenly turns on in your mind and reveals powerful insights. This is your cosmic "aha" moment!

  • Oct 4 – Mercury enters Libra: Mercury in Libra dons a diplomatic suit. It encourages us to communicate with grace, aiming for fairness and harmony in our discussions.

  • Oct 4 - Mars in Libra opposition North Node in Aries: Tug-of-war between asserting your desires and finding common ground with others. Balancing your assertiveness and cooperation can be a bit like walking a tightrope.

  • Oct 8 – Mars in Libra square North Node in Capricorn: An inner battle between your personal ambitions and your responsibilities. Finding the right balance can be quite a challenge during this period.

  • Oct 8 – Venus enters Virgo: Love takes on a practical and meticulous tone as Venus moves into Virgo. Small, thoughtful gestures of affection hold a great deal of meaning during this time.

  • Oct 10 – Pluto stations direct in Capricorn: When Pluto starts moving forward, it's akin to a personal transformation gaining momentum. You are being nudged to let go of old habits and renew your life.

  • Oct 10 – Venus in Virgo opposition Saturn Rx in Pisces: This aspect can create some relationship tension, making it crucial to find a balance between love and your responsibilities.

  • Oct 12 – Mars enters Scorpio: As Mars enters Scorpio, you'll find a deep determination and a desire to dive headfirst into your goals.

  • Oct 13 – Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn Rx in Pisces: Determination with discipline! An excellent time for steady progress towards your goals.

  • Oct 14 – 1:55 PM EST Annular Solar Eclipse 21° Libra: The Solar Eclipse in Libra offers the chance for fresh beginnings, particularly in your relationships and partnerships.

  • Oct 18 – Sun in Libra opposition North Node in Aries: This aspect may feel like a seesaw, with your personal desires on one side and the collective's needs on the other. Finding the right balance is the key to navigating this energy.

  • Oct 19 – Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries: Your conversations may revolve around your individual goals versus collective interests, underscoring the importance of finding common ground.

  • Oct 20 – Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn: Intense and transformative discussions that push you to dive deeper and demand a keen understanding.

  • Oct 20 – Mercury conjunct Sun at 26° Libra: During this conjunction, it's as though your communication is crystal clear, enhancing your decision-making.

  • Oct 21 – Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn: A tug of war over power and control. Diplomatic handling is necessary to navigate this potentially challenging energy.

  • Oct 22 – Mercury enters Scorpio: As Mercury enters Scorpio, it's like a switch flips, and your communication takes on an intense and investigative tone. You become skilled at peeling back layers and uncovering what is hidden.

  • Oct 22 – Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn Rx in Pisces: This aspect blends practicality with sensitivity, allowing for effective and compassionate communication.

  • Oct 22 – Sun enters Scorpio: Boo! When the Sun enters Scorpio, we shine a light in the darkest and most transformative area of the zodiac. Spooky season in full swing!

  • Oct 22 – Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter Rx in Taurus: Love and finances receive a boost during this aspect, promoting growth and abundance. Savor the rewards of your hard work.

  • Oct 24 – Sun in Scorpio trine Saturn Rx in Pisces: This energy supports achievements through hard work and unwavering determination.

  • Oct 28 – Mars in Scorpio opposition Jupiter Rx in Taurus: It's like having a burning desire for expansion and growth, but it's important to proceed with caution to avoid overextending yourself.

  • Oct 28 – Mercury in Scorpio opposition Jupiter Rx in Taurus: Challenges may arise, asking you to adapt your grand plans to the reality of the situation.

  • Oct 28 – 4:24 PM EST Partial Lunar Eclipse 5° Taurus: The last eclipse of 2024 marks a significant turning point! Like closing a chapter and beginning a new one. It's a time for emotional release and change, particularly in financial matters.

  • Oct 29 – Mercury conjunct Mars at 11° Scorpio: Communication is sharp and possibly cutting. It's a bit like having a sword with two edges, so use it wisely in both words and actions.

  • Oct 31 – Venus in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus: Surprises and exciting changes in your relationships and finances. These unexpected turns bring an added touch of joy to your life.

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