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Astrology Transits- December 2022 (All Signs)

December Astrological Transit Notes

  • Dec 1 Venus in Sagittarius opposition Mars Rx in Gemini – The ability to obtain or conquer our desires is challenged. There can be incompatibility between our wants and needs and those of others.

  • Dec 1 Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune RX in Pisces – Distorted perception and lack of clarity. Difficult time to concentrate and imagination may run off.

  • Dec 1 Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius – Desire for companionship and long-lasting bonds. Making tangible efforts to manifest our desires, goals, and aspirations. Great time to look for assistance or guidance from the wise.

  • Dec 4 Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune RX in Pisces – Disappointment from expectations as a result of being too idealistic or unrealistic.

  • Dec 6 Mercury in Sagittarius square Jupiter in Pisces – Exaggerations in communications. Don’t promise more than you can deliver. A time of questioning. Need to be balanced and practical.

  • Dec 6 Mercury moves into Capricorn – Business and professional communication increases. Good transit for negotiations. Focusing on the important details and using intellect to pursue our goals.

  • Dec 8 Full Moon @ 16º Gemini - 12:08AM EST – Communication overload. Mental overstimulation. Big energy for public speaking, writing, and learning. Engaging with others verbally, online, or in person. Busy energy around the community.

  • Dec 8 Sun in Sagittarius opposition Mars RX in Gemini – Emotional outbursts and confrontational energy.

  • Dec 9 Venus in Sagittarius square Jupiter in Pisces – Overly emotional and overly indulgent. Laziness and not wanting to do hard work.

  • Dec 9 Venus moves into Capricorn – Being practical and grounded. Excellent transit for business and financial gains.

  • Dec 12 Sun in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Aquarius – Patience and perseverance reign. Time to put forth effort and keep a good work ethic. Mature relationships and professional connections are benefited.

  • Dec 14 Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces – Confidence is challenging, and energy is drained.

  • Dec 15 Mercury in Capricorn trine North Node in Taurus – Good news and a good flow of information and ideas.

  • Dec 17 Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus RX in Taurus – Sudden and unexpected development and information open doors. Information is easy to come by. Things happen or manifest quickly.

  • Dec 19 Venus in Capricorn trine North Node in Taurus – Attracting love, money, luxury, and all abundance. This transit brings good things and good people.

  • Dec 20 Jupiter moves into Aries – Power, drive, and direction. Finding your passion and developing your leadership skills. Time to be fierce. The transit for entrepreneurs and leaders.

  • Dec 21 Sun moves into Capricorn – Capricorn Season! Focus is on business and achievements. A time to be responsible and serious. Time to take charge. The best will shine!

  • Dec 21 Sun in Capricorn square Jupiter in Aries – Overconfidence needs to be tempered. Take a practical moderate approach.

  • Dec 22 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus RX in Taurus – Urge to try new things and be spontaneous. Good things out of the blue.

  • Dec 23 New Moon @ 1º Capricorn - 6:16AM EST – A fresh chapter commences. Time to get serious and set long term goals.

  • Dec 24 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces – Intellect and imagination know no bounds. Increase in psychic abilities and beneficial for meditation and channeling.

  • Dec 28 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces – Idealistic and romantic transit. Attraction to the fine things in life. Charming time!

  • Dec 29 Mercury Retrograde – Rework, Review, Revisit! Communication and travel related issues.

  • Dec 29 Mercury RX conjunction Venus @ 24º Capricorn – Blast from the past! Expressing emotions that have been suppressed. Short lived happiness.

Monthly Forecast for All Signs


December 2022 is an important month for your career and public image. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 10th house of career making this month very important for your professional development. Anywhere the Sun transits is where you focus goes and this month your career is going to be a priority. Sun through the 10th house is also a glow up for your career. Venus transiting your 10th house helps you attract people and positivity. You will have a lot of charm! Mercury transits your 10th house, so you will be rather busy with messages, meetings, and tasks. There will also be a New Moon in your 10th house which marks a new chapter in your career. Doors open, assistance is available when you need it, and your work atmosphere can be quite enjoyable. The Full Moon in Gemini is happening in your house of communication which means your inbox will see high activity. This lunation can bring important information to your awareness. You can be finding out a lot because of people oversharing or gossiping. Get your mug ready for the tea! Be mindful your ruler Mars is retrograde through your 3rd house – watch your reactions and think before you speak. Mercury is in the house of career – so a lot of gossip from coworkers. Last but not least – Jupiter is entering Aries on December 21st, and this put luck and fortune on your side! Enjoy your growth and remember to be nice.


December 2022 is an important month for learning, expansion, and growth. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 9th house of philosophy, and this will be important for your future journey. December will be a month busy with learning and analyzing your views and beliefs. The New Moon brings a fresh perspective to your outlook on life and something new for you to learn and explore. You can find yourself being quite drawn to books, courses, foreign countries, or spiritual/religious practices. This month brings important insights, new understandings, and appreciation. The energy of this month invites you to try something new and explore outside your comfort zone. This is an excellent transit for travelers, students, and seekers. You also have a Full Moon happening in your 2nd house which will make you reflect on your personal values. It is also a time to assess your finances and budget. Mars is retrograde through your 2nd house, and it is important that you watch your expenses. This energy does not benefit large purchases or risks.


The Full Moon on Dec 8th, 2022 - will be one of the most important events for this month. December 2022 brings you a Full Moon in your 1st house while Mars is transiting retrograde through your sign. This lunations illuminates your awareness and provides insight into your future direction. It also helps show you what needs to change, be shed, what is not working, and what is holding you back. Watch out for injuries or accidents since the Moon is Full and Mars is retrograde. Avoid speeding and don’t get into any confrontations. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 8th house of transformation, sex, death, occult, and joint resources. You may be heavily drawn to music and art that is profound, mystic, explicit, and dramatic. Themes of intimacy, power, control, and dominance can come up in relationships. You will be very intuitive and psychically sensitive during this time. Be prepared for sudden changes and events that can come out of the blue. Sudden expenses and sudden windfalls are possible during this transit. Jupiter will be entering your 11th house towards the end of the month and the holiday season will be a busy time for you socially. Lots of communication with friends!


December 2022 is an important month for your relationships and contracts. It is a time for a new storyline to be written in your relationships. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, contracts, and other people. Sun transiting the 7th house places the focus on others, the health and state of your relationships – especially for those that are married. Time to fix problems in relationships and take other people into account. Venus transiting your 7th house is beneficial for negotiations, conflict resolution, and reconciliation. It is the energy of love, grace, and charm being brought to your connections. Mercury transiting your 7th house will increase communication and openness with others. Venus and Mercury transiting here is highly beneficial for contracts and striking deals. Jupiter will enter Aries at the end of the month which will bring growth and expansion in your career. The New Moon in the 7th house is the cherry on top, it is time for a new chapter in your relationship and time to breathe fresh air into your connections. It is a time for relationships to come together and for new business contracts or deals. New people can also enter your life. The Full Moon in your 12th house alongside Mars retrograde is guiding you to clear karmic blocks, heal old wounds, and deal head on with ways that cause your undoing. Time to recognize and work on addressing any bad habits, addictions, unhealthy patterns, and self-sabotaging ways. Your dreams can be quite vivid and active during this time. Given that Mars is retrograde it can disrupt sleep and cause nightmares.


The month of December brings new and beneficial changes to your routine. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 6th house of daily work routine, responsibility, and health. Anywhere the Sun transits is where your focus goes, and this month efficiency is a priority. Venus transiting your 6th house is great for resolving issues and maintaining harmonious relationships. Mercury transits your 6th house will bring lots of communication, tasks, and put a focus on details and scheduling. There will also be a New Moon in your 6th house which brings improvements at work and for your health. There is a lot of inspiration to get healthy and focus on your wellbeing. You will see your day-to-day improvements with the implementation of a new regime. You are not waiting until the new year to make changes; you are doing it now. The Full Moon is happening alongside Mars retrograde in your 11th house of friendships and networks. Time to cut the toxic friendships. Lots of information can also come to you from your network circle. This lunation also helps put into perspective what your dreams and aspirations are. If you combine this with a focus on practicality – you can make them a reality. Prepare for growth, learning, travel, and expansion as Jupiter will enter Aries in your 9th house at the end of the month. 2023 will bring you adventure!


December 2022 brings loads of fun! The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 5th house of fun, entertainment, romance, creativity, and children. There are loads of good times ahead for you this holiday season. Anywhere the Sun transits is where your focus goes and this month being lighthearted and doing things you love is a priority. Venus transiting your 5th house brings romance and a spark of passion. It also makes you exceptionally creative and skilled in arts, crafts, and hobbies. Mercury transits your 5th house, and it is excellent for flirtation and boosts your social life. There will also be a New Moon in your 5th house which has the potential to bring new love, new projects, new hobbies, or children (pregnancy or birth). Be mindful if you are not trying to conceive. This is the energy of gestation of the Empress. The Full Moon is happening alongside Mars retrograde in your 10th house of career which will make you reassess your professional life, your image, and your aspirations. It brings to your awareness areas that you are struggling in and helps you get clarity as to who you want to be seen as. Jupiter will enter Aries at the end of the month. There is power in numbers. This energy puts other’s resources at your disposal and brings benefits from business partnerships.


December 2022 is a month for family gatherings and celebrations. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 4th house of home, family, and security. Homes will be the sanctuary for this season. Your home and the homes of others will be the most important location points. Anywhere the Sun transits is where your focus goes and this month it is about connecting with family and your roots. Venus transiting your 4th house brings harmony to your familial relationships. It is also a time for decoration and indulgence in food. Time to savor the flavors – this month is big for foodies. Mercury transits your 4th house which will help you communicate your emotions and make good rapport with others. It is also a time when we can notice connections between certain events and the way they influence us emotionally. Lots of chatter and discussions. There will also be a New Moon in your 4th house which marks a new chapter in your home and with your family. It is a time of renewal for your relationships. New additions to the family or improvements in the home. A great time to clean house! The Full Moon is happening alongside Mars retrograde in your 9th house of philosophy. This lunation always brings massive insight into our life direction, wisdom, and truth. A big perspective shift is in order and a time to reexamine your beliefs. You may find yourself drawn to a topic you were previously interested in. Be mindful that Mars retrograde can cause travel issues this season.


December 2022 is a month of communication and connectivity. You are glued to your phone and internet this month. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 3rd house of communication and community. Anywhere the Sun transits is where your focus goes, and this month is about keeping up with family and friends. Lots of activities around your local community as well. Venus transiting your 3rd house brings harmony to your relationships, positive messages, and fun social activities. Mercury transits your 3rd house is excellent for writing, reading, and “learning things on the fly”. It also creates a flurry of communication that is fast. Your mind will be quite busy and can race. There will also be a New Moon in your 3rd house which brings a new and fresh chapter to your communication. New information is available, new topics of interest, truth, or revelations. A lot of attention on social media and online presence. The Full Moon is happening alongside Mars retrograde in your 8th house which can bring to the surface something you were unaware of – either of yourself or another. Truths are unearthed. It is a time to deal with issues that make us feel disempowered and address tough issues openly. Due to the Full Moon / Mars Retrograde, watch out for accidents, injuries, or aggression. More likely than not, you may be dealing with someone that is not on their right mind and things are unpredictable.


December 2022 is a great month for gains. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 2nd house of money, finances, and resources. Anywhere the Sun transits is where your focus goes and this month it is about your resources and the finer things in life. Money is on your mind, and you are a money magnet. Venus transiting your 2nd house helps you obtain financial opportunities. It also makes you keen on enjoying the arts and entertainment. You are drawn to luxury. Mercury transits your 2nd house brings news of financial opportunities, clients, and contracts. Mercury also helps you make financial plans for the long term. There will also be a New Moon in your 2nd house which opens the door to new income or gains. This is the month to manifest prosperity. Just be mindful of any spending. Mercury also brings lots of messages and communication in commerce. The Full Moon is happening alongside Mars retrograde in your 7th house of partnership and business contracts. It is very important that you read the fine print when signing any contract. This lunation helps you see things that perhaps you did not notice before. Use your skills for negotiation and compromise while also being assertive. This Full Moon also helps level up relationships to the next level or close out that chapter. Jupiter will enter Aries at the end of the month and your 5th house of fun, romance, and creativity will see massive growth. December is a prosperous month for you!


December 2022 is your month! The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your sign and your first house. Anywhere the Sun transits is where your focus goes and this month you shine. You are putting yourself first this month in a big way. Venus transiting through your 1st house makes you magnetic and attractive to others. Be ready to receive compliments about how you look or what you are wearing. Pamper yourself and stay on top of your self-care routine. Mercury transits your 1st house makes you a skilled communicator. The sharpness of your mind and intellect will make you more confident expressing yourself. Smart and witty! There will also be a New Moon in your sign, and this marks a new beginning for you. Set goals and be clear on your ambitions. It is a good time to start new endeavors and plant new seeds. A change of image or style is beneficial. Remember: looking good, feeling good. The Full Moon is happening alongside Mars retrograde in your 6th house of daily work, routine, and health. This can bring to your awareness the need to make changes to your routine to improve your wellbeing. Typically, what will surface is something that has been neglected or ignored at work or with health. Change or eliminate any bad habits which are affecting your wellbeing. Jupiter will transit into Aries at the end of the month, and this brings growth, luck, and fortune to your home and family. *A special note - take notice of the astrological transits on Dec 15 and afterwards - they are all highly beneficial for you!


December 2022 brings you some much needed rest and seclusion. Capricorn season comes right before your birthday. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 12th house. This month is a year end review and there is going to be a lot of looking back. Anywhere the Sun transits is where your focus goes, and this month is all about closing karmic cycles and letting go of self-limiting beliefs. It is a time to release mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages. You may feel low in energy or melancholic. Venus transiting your 12th house is excellent for meditation and to understand yourself in a deeper way. It brings the energy of empathy and compassion. Mercury transits your 12th house which will heighten your intuitive abilities. Your dreams and imagination can be quite vivid. It also will help you meditate and quiet your mind. There will also be a New Moon in your 12th house, which is a time to purge, rest, relax, and surrender. You need quiet time this month, but it will help you rediscover your passions and regain your positivity for your birthday season.


December is a time to connect with your soul tribe. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be transiting through your 11th house of friends and society. Anywhere the Sun transits is where your focus goes and this month is about being around people, connecting links, and finding resources that you need. Venus transiting your 11th house brings kindness and loving vibes from the people you know. It also gives you pleasure to be around and creates a pleasant atmosphere where you go. Mercury transits your 11th house brings a boost to invitation and a busy calendar. It is a great time to learn and collaborate with people from all walks of life. There will also be a New Moon in your 11th house which brings fresh and light energy to your groups. You can find yourself making new friends, joining new organizations, causes, or groups. Unexpected surprises and recognition can play a part in your month. The people that surround you can be vibrating at your wavelength or fall under its effects. There is a big theme of “Vibe”. The Full Moon is happening alongside Mars retrograde in your 4th house of family. Emotions will be at their peak and don’t be surprised if there are arguments or differences. It may be difficult to get things done at home or collaborate with family members. Jupiter enters Aries at the end of the month, and it will go into your 2nd house of resources. Make plans to increase your finances as the planet of luck, growth, and fortune favors you.

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