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Astrology Transits April 2024

Updated: Apr 4

Monthly Astrology for April 2024:

April has a lot going on - We have Mercury retrograde kicking off the month in a fire sign - Aries. Since Mercury is retrograde we will have to deal with communication challenges, mix-ups, tech glitches, travel delays, etc. Since the Mercury retrograde is happening in Aries we have to avoid being recklessly impulsive - patience will be important. This Mercury retrograde may trigger people to snap quite easily - so avoid conflict.

Let's talk about the Moon - Total Solar Eclipse in Aries and Full Moon in Scorpio! Everyone has been talking about the North American eclipse that will mark X with the previous one! People are preparing, others are making big predictions, emergency management is on alert, rockets will be launched at it, and the Devil Comet will be visible during totality! Eclipses trigger events that are unexpected and karmic in nature. Last eclipse season triggered the Israel / Gaza conflict. This eclipse season can very well see new conflicts or the aggravation of those currently playing out. Aries is the warrior sign after all - expect to see new or expanding military campaigns. Eclipses also expose and bring to light a lot of information in combination with the Full Moon in Scorpio much will be made known. Hidden agendas, buried secrets, concealed motives, and embarrassing facts all come out. Scorpio energy is also deeply transformative, harsh, and ruthless - things will change whether you want it or not and the change will be tough. Scorpio energy can be vengeful - nothing is going to slide - retribution.

Then we have the conjunctions of the spheres with a total of 8. When planets conjunct the energy blends together and amplifies.

  • Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces brings you deep spiritual connections.

  • Sun conjunct North Node in Aries will align you with your life path.

  • Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces will help you overcome challenges with discipline.

  • Sun conjunct Mercury Rx in Aries is about reflecting on who you are and how you communicate.

  • Venus conjunct North Node in Aries will bring in relationships that are in alignment.

  • Venus conjunct Mercury Rx in Aries will reconnect you with past people and help you resolve old issues.

  • Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus is the luckiest conjunction of the year - breakthroughs, surprises, and unexpected opportunities that can benefit you and bring positive growth.

  • Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces helps you channel inspiration into action.

We also have the sweetest station when Juno, the asteroid of soulmates and partnerships, stationing direct. It's time to prioritize the practical aspects of our relationships. Be clear in your communication, offer support, or show care in tangible ways.

Astrology Transits April 2024:

April 1 - Mercury stations Retrograde in Aries - Take it easy and try not to snap! Think before you speak, double-check before hitting send, back up important files, be patient when encountering delays.

April 3 – Venus conjunct Neptune @ 28° Pisces – It’s a dreamy conjunction and you might get lost in fantasy. Just remember to keep at least one foot on the ground. Perfect time to attract soul connections and people on your same spiritual wavelength.

April 4 – Sun conjunct North Node @ 15° Aries - It's a chance to step into your destiny and make bold moves towards your goals.

April 5 – Venus enters Aries - It's time to take the lead in relationships. Don't be afraid to make the first move!

April 6 – Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius - There is great potential for significant transformations in both your love life and the collective.

April 8 – Total Solar Eclipse @ 19° Aries – Expect the unexpected and know it will be wild. Sh*t may hit the fan. Stock up on supplies.

April 10 – Mars conjunct Saturn @ 14° Pisces - It's time to roll up your sleeves, set some goals, and put in the hard work to make them happen.

April 11 – Sun conjunct Mercury Rx @ 22° Aries – Past issues and unfinished business will be highlighted. Use this time to reflect, revise, and reevaluate your plans before moving forward.

April 17 – Venus conjunct North Node @ 15° Aries - Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities in your relationships—they could be leading you towards your soulmate or a higher purpose.

April 19 – Venus conjunct Mercury Rx @ 17° Aries - Time for big heart-to-heart convos. This conjunction has you thinking long and deep in regards to your relationships and romantic desires. Mercury Rx is famed for bringing old people from the past - this conjunction can very well bring up past exs or old crushes. There is a layer of nostalgia and yearning for love but don't let it weaken your resolve and double back to something that is not good for you. Take time to think about things - don't rush any decisions during this time.

April 19 – Mars in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus - Big things are on the horizon but you got to go get 'em! If you want to grow - you have to work hard!

April 19 – Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus - Expect the unexpected as there can be a big shake-up. You may have to pivot swiftly in response to unforeseen events or sudden opportunities.

April 19 – Sun enters Taurus – The focus is on security and stability!

April 20 – Jupiter conjunct Uranus @ 21° Taurus – The luckiest conjunction of the year! Unexpected blessings and breakthroughs!  

April 21 – Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius – A major struggle between personal and collective agendas. Major resistance against manipulative tactics and power plays. Stay grounded when facing high-pressure situations.

April 21 – Juno stations Direct in Virgo – The asteroid of partnership loves unwavering commitment in Virgo. Now, that it is stationing direct, it is the perfect time to prioritize the practical aspects of relationships and show you care in a tangible way.

April 23 – Full Moon in Scorpio @ 4° Scorpio – Themes: Transformation, Power, Confrontation, Secrets, Release, Rebirth, and Emotional Healing. Expect everything to be laid bare. You may find yourself needing to confront something you fear. Let go of control and surrender to change.

April 25 – Mercury stations Direct in Aries – The retrograde is over! Communication and your thought process will improve, but remember, it takes about two weeks post-retrograde for everything to fully settle.

April 29 – Mars conjunct Neptune 28 ° Pisces – We are going to have to walk by faith! On the positive side, this conjunction really pulls us towards spirituality and God. But on the negative, Mars, Neptune, and Pisces energy can represent the naval military branch or an attack against someone unable to defend themselves or caught off guard.

April 29 – Venus enters Taurus – Love me slow and long. Savor the moment and treat yourself!

April 30 – Mars enters Aries –On the positive, we can become rather productive. On the negative, this can indicate a time to fight or acts of aggression.

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