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Astrology of 2023 – Notable Transits and Data Charts for All Rising Signs

Updated: Dec 24, 2022

Notable Transits of 2023:

Mars will station direct on January 12, 2023 in the sign of Gemini and will not retrograde again for the rest of the year. Mars will exit Gemini and enter Cancer on March 25, 2025. Mars will continue transiting through the signs direct and will not retrograde during 2023. Mars represents action, determination, desire, and vitality. To have the planet station direct for the remainder of year will be energizing.

Saturn starts the year transiting through the sign of Aquarius. Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, 2023, until May 24, 2025, and again on September 1, 2025, until February 13, 2026. During 2023, Saturn will be stationing retrograde on June 17, 2023, until November 4, 2023. This transit will be quite significant because of the length of time it takes Saturn to transit each sign and the effect it will have. Saturn rules karma, time, discipline, structure, limitation, and self-control. Saturn creates challenges and obstacles to build fortitude and endurance. Saturn’s transit represents a restructuring of the astrological house it transits. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces will be in the sign alongside Saturn. What you felt was solid in your life will be tested. The energy will pull you toward deep contemplation and soul searching. Religion and philosophy will be highlighted during this transit. Since Neptune rules imagination and Saturn represents structure, combining the energy harmoniously can make it possible to turn our visions into reality.

We start off the year with the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio. The axis will change to North Node in Aries and South Node Libra from Jul 18, 2023 - Jan 11, 2025. Lunar Eclipses will mark the end of the Taurus/Scorpio transit and Solar Eclipses will mark the beginning of the Aries/Libra transit. For the fixed signs and fixed sign natal placements there will be a relief. For the cardinal signs and cardinal natal placements, you will feel the transit more acutely than any other modality. If your natal north node is in the sign of Aries or Libra, this will be the focus of personal development in 2023 to 2025.

  • Apr 20, 2023 - Total Solar Eclipse @ 29°49’ Aries

  • May 5, 2023 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse @ 14°57’ Scorpio

  • Oct 14, 2023 - Annular Solar Eclipse @ 21°07’ Libra

  • Oct 28, 2023 - Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 5°08’ Taurus

The axis of Taurus/Scorpio dealt heavily with finance and security. The axis of Aries/Libra is primarily focused on self and others - since Aries rules the house of self and Libra rules the house of partnerships. North Node in Aries transit will push us to develop our will, confidence, and independence. This energy will push us to put ourselves first and to be assertive, action oriented, and enterprising. In all partnerships the main issue that will be highlighted is dependence in all forms: independence, interdependency, and codependency.

Jupiter starts the year transiting through the sign of Aries. Jupiter enters the sign of Taurus on May 16, 2023 - May 25, 2024. Jupiter will station retrograde from September 4, 2023 - December 31, 2023. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion and the houses ruled by Aries and Taurus in your natal chart will be the area where you see the benefit. Jupiter is the great benefic and brings luck, fortune, fate, synchronicity, expansion, and wisdom. The eclipse in April has the potential to be one of massive proportions given that Jupiter will be transiting Aries. It is a Total Solar Eclipse which represents an exponentially strong New Moon – the turning of the axis will be powerful. Taurus had a tough North Node transit with Uranus in the sign as well. Jupiter enters Taurus like a birthday gift in Taurus season, stays alongside you when the nodes shift in July, remains while the last of the eclipses in the fall complete, and stays until your next birthday season! The universe literally said: 1 year of Jupiter’s blessings & good luck for you! It’s a time for tangible gains, enjoyment, and comfort.

Venus will transit the signs of Aquarius to Sagittarius in 2023. The most notable transit for Venus will be in the summer when it transits through the sign of Leo from June 5, 2023 - October 8, 2023. During this period, Venus will station retrograde from July 23, 2023 - September 4, 2023. The summer is going to be WILD! It will be packed with fun, entertainment, and social activities. A magnificent and bright period that brings a lot of intensity. Venus rules love and Leo is the natural ruler of the 5th house of romance – love will be in the air!

Mercury will transit through all 12 signs in 2023. It will retrograde in Earth signs during 2023. It will retrograde twice through the sign of Capricorn, once in Taurus, and once in Virgo. Earth signs will feel the effects of this transit strongly; especially Capricorn with the double transit and Virgo because it is Mercury ruled. It is time to be reflective, focus on the facts, and be practical in our approach. During this period, it is important to stay grounded and deal with problems directly.

Mercury Rx dates:

  • Capricorn (Start of Year to January 18, 2023)

  • Taurus (Apr 21, 2023 to May 15, 2023)

  • Virgo (August 23, 2023 to September 15, 2023)

  • Capricorn (Dec 13, 2023, retrogrades back to Sagittarius on Dec 23, 2023)

The Lunations in 2023 also have several particularities. For 2023, it is important to note that Aries has 2 New Moons! On March 21, 2023, there will be a New Moon @ 0°48’ Aries and on April 20, 2023 there will be a Total Solar Eclipse @ 29°49’ Aries. There will not be a New Moon for Capricorn in 2023.

The sign of Cancer will have 2 Full Moons in 2023, at the start and at the end of the year. The Full Moons in Cancer occur on January 6, 2023 - Full Moon @ 16°21’Cancer and December 27, 2023 - Full Moon @ 4°57’ Cancer.

Transit Information

Transit dates and information can be found below. I also included charts that includes the astrological house where the transit is taking place for each rising sign.

Mars will station direct on January 12, 2023, in the sign of Gemini. Mars will exit Gemini and enter Cancer on March 25, 2025. Mars will continue transiting through the signs direct and will not retrograde again during 2023.

Saturn starts the year transiting through the sign of Aquarius. Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, 2023 - May 24, 2025 and again on September 1, 2025 - February 13, 2026. During 2023, Saturn will be stationing retrograde on June 17, 2023 - November 4, 2023

We start off the year with the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio. The axis will change to North Node in Aries and South Node Libra where it will stay from July 18, 2023 - January 11, 2025.

Lunar Eclipses will mark the end of the Taurus/Scorpio transit and will occur after the Nodes change signs. Solar Eclipses will mark the beginning of the Aries/Libra transit and will occurs before the Nodes change signs.

  • Apr 20, 2023 - Total Solar Eclipse @ 29°49’ Aries

  • May 5, 2023 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse @ 14°57’ Scorpio

  • Oct 14, 2023 - Annular Solar Eclipse @ 21°07’ Libra

  • Oct 28, 2023 - Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 5°08’ Taurus

Jupiter starts the year transiting through the sign of Aries. Jupiter enters the sign of Taurus on May 16, 2023 - May 25, 2024. Jupiter will station retrograde from September 4, 2023 - December 31, 2023.

Venus will transit through the signs of Aquarius to Sagittarius in 2023. The most notable transit for Venus will be in the summer when it transits through the sign of Leo from June 5, 2023 - October 8, 2023. Venus will station retrograde from July 23, 2023 - September 4, 2023.

Mercury will transit through all 12 signs in 2023.

Mercury will retrograde in Earth signs during 2023. It will retrograde twice through the sign of Capricorn, once in Taurus, and once in Virgo. Sagittarius Rx is brief - 12/23/23 to 1/2/24.

For 2023, Cancer will have 2 Full Moons: January 6, 2023 - Full Moon @ 16°21’Cancer and December 27, 2023 - Full Moon @ 4°57’ Cancer.

For 2023, Aries has 2 New Moons: March 21, 2023 - New Moon @ 0°48’ Aries and April 20, 2023, there will be a Total Solar Eclipse @ 29°49’ Aries. There will not be a New Moon for Capricorn in 2023.

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